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Everything posted by foolnrain97

  1. this story was good, partly because it was such a normal story. now I'm working on this good so far.
  2. Glenn said he'd be surprised if both Impossible Germany and Thanks I get DIDN'T make it on the new album.....
  3. Probably not, considering the owner has never touched a computer and is damn proud of that. We open at 1/1:30 every am and we make everything by hand that night(if that helps distinguish us from any other place). Th honey dip on Kenny...is that the one that used to be a Jolly Pirate Donuts? If so, I was sad to see the Jolly Pirate go....
  4. No thanks I think I'll let the aussies keep their left-overs from the beer brewing process...... vibes....
  5. I had a croissant with nutella and some chai. it was great. Kinda chilly here too, but it's beautiful out. Have a wonderful friday everyone.
  6. Which doughnut shop is the one you speak of? I work at Schnieder's in Westerville. Just finished frying all of our doughnuts....
  7. Well I did some searching. No little girls in, around or under my bed. But I did find Bobcat Goldthwait on my couch. He was watching old school Tom and Jerry(episode where Jerry learns judo).
  8. apparently I'm hiding little girls in my bed. I'm going to go check this out. I'll report back later.
  9. Menegitis scare on my campus last week. I hid in my bed like a little girl.
  10. Chief Seattle (native american environmentalist in the late 1800's) did not speak english, never left Puget Sound and therefore, never saw a buffalo or a train(as his speechin a 1971 documentary suggests). The speech was fabricated by a screenwriter. No one present at the actual speech understood what Seattle was saying at all...
  12. That would have been fitting about an hour ago here as we hasd a tornado touchdown about 10 miles away. I think things are getting better, but the tornado sirens from all the surrounding suburbs going off at once was pretty sweet.....
  13. I thought I was going to go, but I have a concert to play here in Columbus instead. There's a chance I might still make it...but probably not.
  14. I think this comment was unresearched. My friend the nursing major has to write all of her medical papers in size 10 and single spaced!!!@#1! I know it's too late now, but just saying. made my day.
  15. thanks so much! I owe you one.
  16. Hey come on guys....YSI of album recording of "Sunken Treasure".....anyone? anyone? It'd be much appreciated....
  17. There's a chance for negative fallout in almost everything we do in life. If you want this to stay only among the VC crowd, post it on our bt site only and request that people not upload it to other bt sites. That's probably about the most you can do(aside from "nixing" it). I think the real question is whether you want to be held responsible for your project IF something negative should happen. In the end, it's your project, and you should do what you feel is best for everyone. I KNOW!@#
  18. Silly, it's teh WICLO!@$!!!@
  19. Any chance someone could do a YSI of the album version of Sunken Treasure? I'd appreciate it a bunch.
  20. Beats the pants off of mine. Good work indeed, triple shane.
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