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Everything posted by foolnrain97

  1. yoga class is my favorite class this quarter. At the end we do the "Final relaxation" which basically is naptime for the last 15 minutes of class....
  2. This playing out in my head is pretty damn funny. Slept through my 8am French class..... Painting's up next....Won't be sleeping through that one. Glann and Nels tonight!!!@#1
  3. The whole group idea was in jest, but it would be cool to have a few VC people on my friends list....
  4. Who's on the facebook? We should form a group or something....
  5. So THIS is why Bush got elected for a second term......
  6. Molly (australian shepherd mix) Jazz (miniature australian shpeherd) Rascal (half Australian shpherd, half Catahoula Leopard Dog) the three musketeers altogether.... Molly has sort of become the mother of the other two. Jazz has a hard time playing with others and Rascal, well, he's sort of the "c" student of the group. Even though they're only a few minutes away at my parents house, I still miss them.
  7. I see your camel and raise you two bears!@$!!
  8. poor college student>working at sam ash employees at the sam ash near me=d-bags w/out brains read this outloud to a friend in the computer lab here at school and another girl burst out laughing and replied "yes!"
  9. yeah, that sounds about like all of my music history tests last year. Sometimes the listening tests were seperate from the terms/short answer tests, but yeah. I didn't do so well in those classes. I don't think my brain has the sort of patience required by subjects like music and art history....each test back was a reminder of how much I didn't learn/didn't pay attention. So yeah, good luck with that, hopefully you'll at least do better than my c's and d's..... PS if your composition classes yeild anything significant at the end of the semester or year, you should post (or at least PM)
  10. What are your music history tests like?
  11. Johnny KNoxville's real name is Phillip J. Clapp.
  12. OMG!!@#$! When I went to NY this summer, I totally went to that Record store!@#%!!!@# I left a previously purchased parcel there and the guy was nice enough to keep it until the next day.
  13. night all. Have a good tuesday. And here's a tip, if you've never been to traffic court, do what you can to maintain that. It sucks. A lot.
  14. This summer in Coppley(sp?) Square in Boston. last spring in Italy Last winter w/ POS drumset for teh Pep Band....
  15. Well at least you'll arrive at the gates with a smile on your face.
  16. Man, all this talk of baked goods makes me want to go back to the bakery where I work....even though I just finished for the night.
  17. Good Morning! Off to court I go and then it's time for the first day of classes.....at least it's my senior year.
  18. How is this a faux hawk? I thought those were only achieved by geling and moussing smae-length hair into a point. To me, this looks like a legit mohawk. Either way, it looks pretty sweet.
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