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Everything posted by Lodestar

  1. I read the first 100 pages of Blood Meridian a couple months ago, but had to put it down. Just nothing at all about it moved me -- I couldn't see the characters, didn't care about them at all. And I got the same sense from the narrator, which compounded everything and made it worse. Sorry, Cormac. I'll probably try again in the future, since there are obviously people who consider the book sacred. I'm on the last story of a Richard Ford collection called A Multitude of Sins. If he's not the best living American writer, I need to read whoever is, because I'm just plowing through Ford's canon
  2. Terrible, terrible song, I agree. Also, "Enemy Fire" and "Cry On Demand".
  3. In particular, I remember 2005 when he released those three albums and people said similar things about combining them to make one "super album," but there wasn't really one song on any of the three that I'd feel comfortable swapping onto another record... maybe "Carolina Rain" could fit on Jacksonville City Nights, but even then... Cold Roses, to me, is just such a unified collection. There are songs I'm not as fond of ("Beautiful Sorta", "Rosebud") but they belong on that record in a way that's a bit indescribable.
  4. Good point. I'd never really considered that, but it's become clear (especially lately) that he admires a lot of really high-profile, even modern rock acts. I've even considered that he wrote/recorded Cardinology with the express purpose of playing it in arenas (which he did get to do, touring with Oasis).
  5. Well, I think it was partly based on musical expectations as well. I mean, as much as I adore Heartbreaker -- and I'd consider it among the 2 or 3 albums that have shaped me the most -- it really handicapped Ryan in ways I don't think he's ever been able to recover from.
  6. There isn't really any song I dig on Cardinology ("Stop" is the closest, though even it's a bit melodramatic), but "Goodnight Rose" and "I Taught Myself..." alone make Easy Tiger worth it for me. Both do more for me than any single song off of Wilco's last two records. I'm also a huge fan of Love is Hell. It seems better and better every year for some reason.
  7. I always find it weird when people refer to this as "editing" (seems to be a real theme with Adams). Probably because in writing and filmmaking, "editing" both mean completely different things.
  8. Unrelated, but your sig contains some of my fave lines from any song, ever. Back on topic: Wahhh, what about Vancouver, waaaahhh
  9. Ah, that's one of my favourite songs of all time. He was so young when he wrote it, but it's just so exact.
  10. I've found some pretty good vids of the fest on YouTube, and this was probably the highlight of the whole day for me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLGa18pmzCM&feature=related What a song. What a performance. If I was a woman, I would gladly carry Dave Rawlings' child.
  11. I've been on a mad Gillian Welch kick since No Depression Festival last weekened, and today I downloaded a 1999 show where she joined Ryan for five songs (including "Revelator" and a couple Whiskeytown songs)... I'll listen tomorrow at work and share my thoughts maybe.
  12. Great pics SeattleC, thanks for posting. Wish I was back there now...
  13. Well, I don't think this is really what the band/label had in mind...
  14. What a day, indeed. Just a brilliantly-organized festival top to bottom, from the lineup to the venue to staff and security (and the beer selection!)... and what a gorgeous day weather-wise. I went in not knowing a whole lot about the "undercard" acts, but enjoyed every last one of them, especially Jessica Lea Mayfield and Justin Townes Earle. I was also expecting to see a full band set from Iron and Wine (which is what we got last time I saw him, at Sasquatch! 2006), but it was just Sam Beam, and he did not disappoint. Of course, above everything, I can't say enough about Gillian Welch and
  15. Love Joe, but Steve Yzerman gets my vote here. As for the tampering claim, I'm sure Burke will find a way to come out unscathed. Though I wouldn't mind if he tossed Kaberle our way and called it even.
  16. Aagh! I'm leaving town ONE day before their Victoria show!
  17. I'm hoping to see her at the No Depression festival next month... Maybe I can ask!
  18. That Games 1 and 2 were moved to this coming weekend, combined with the fact that they're back to back, works very well in Pittsburgh's favour I think. Detroit in 5 would surprise me personally, though I thought the Penguins had a decent shot at winning last year as well.
  19. Yeah I don't really get all the people who are turned off by this matchup, or who keep calling it boring. For starters, you've got recent history and bitterness between these two storied franchises (and the whole Hossa thing), plus arguably four of the five best and most exciting forwards in all of hockey. I'll be rooting for the Pens, but the Red Wings are always fun to watch as well.
  20. First novel by Willy Vlautin, lead singer-songwriter in Richmond Fontaine. I'm almost finished and it's quite excellent.
  21. I'm a totally unbiased observer (well, actually I'm a Canucks fan), but I don't see how the NHL would gain anything from having the Red Wings win another Cup or sweep an up-and-coming team like Chicago (in a huge sports market, with scads of young star players).
  22. I really liked Gruden on NFLN's draft coverage, so this should be a big improvement. I wouldn't be surprised if he's got a coaching gig in 2010, though.
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