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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I've always thought Trick of the Tail was a really excellent record for those who need to hear some post-Gabriel stuff. I was on board until about the "Abacab" era - it came out about the same time as Crimson had re-tooled and released Discipline. Play both of those records back-to-back - it's obvious that Crimson had decided to stay progessive (and not sell a lot of records) and Genesis made a very concious decision to make as much money as possible..."not that there's anything wrong with that" - but it certainly didn't do much for the music. IMO.
  2. I'm hoping that this election will serve as the final nail in the coffin for the nostalgic vibe that became known in this country as The Reagan Revolution. The pining for the days when everything was in black and white, including America. When Government was looked at as the problem, not a solution. "Love it or leave it". McCain (and nearly every other Republican incumbent running) invoked Reagan's name in reverential tones at every turn and in the end it had little effect. Finally! I will go to my grave thinking Reagan and his philosophy did more to halt REAL progress for this country tha
  3. Wonderful! They should have followed it up with "A Farewell to Kings".
  4. Have a great day! And (speaking from one who has poured over editions of DeadBase for over 20 years) many thanks for all you do for all of us!
  5. Doesn't look like 60 will happen. Maybe another 25 in the House. Hmmm.
  6. Oh, you should have seen 'em before I began a vigorous exercise regimen.
  7. It was really good stuff. I've said this before here, but I do think McCain got corrupted by his party - especially in the last 6 months. The McCain we have seen in the final stages of his campaign is not the same man we knew 8 years ago. Is this even arguable? If he would have sounded this good the last 6 months things may have been different, but his stumbling in the first few days of the meltdown (along with his VP selection) was a hole he could not dig out of. It may be difficult for his integrity to remain intact, but the speech went a long way to that end.
  8. That was really something. How can that not move you. We are all in this together.
  9. YES WE CAN! Thanks to everyone who's worked for this thing. I had to go to my buddy Mike's (the cat who worked with me here) house for a celebratory beer. Needless to say, I'm totally stoked right now. AND we're up 8K with 97% in! Fingers crossed! Tonight, we party. Tomorrow, the work truly begins. We can make this place right again. We CAN.
  10. My friend Juliette did some major canvassing there. I'm so happy for her, and all of you Buckeyes!
  11. Wilco mix tape (for good luck) while I man the grill.
  12. OK - I'm gonna fire up teh grill in November! Obama dogs and Biden burgers. Come on over peeps!
  13. No wait, and 4 more votes for the junior Senator from the great state of Illinoise.
  14. Man, are we gonna get some mileage from that story!
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