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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. We'll see if 'running leaner' means there will be shake ups at the upper levels of management (where waste usually resides) and not on the line (where folks are just trying to keep their head above water).
  2. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080714/ap_on_...bama_new_yorker I'm a fan of satire (I enjoyed Robert Smeigel's cartoon lampooning Obama on SNL btw) but this just strikes me as wrong on a number of levels. Wtf were the editors thinking here?
  3. With the inevitable restructuring of the company that will occur I'm sure there will be many who lose their job. Saint Looie, you deserve better.
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080714/ap_on_...ser_busch_inbev Now, I don't imbibe this stuff, but I know many who do. Symptomatic of America being for sale - truly sad. ::sends out bat-signal for Lou Dobbs::
  5. Well, not ALL of it is bad - 9/16 was ran through Sonic Solutions before entering circulation. Definitely better sounding than the first 2 nights. But there were logistical (and personal) nightmares at those gigs. The personal: JG had already become very dependent on the Persian, and to avoid a Midnight Express-type situation he was evidently gobbling up Percodans like they were tic tacs. Kieth was out to lunch most of the time, and his piano tuner was not on the trip (I can't remember if the dude was fired, or what). Billy had a broken finger...the list goes on. As far as logistics, the tem
  6. Now that's a great idea. Highly improbable, but a great idea.
  7. Ahem...there was already a thread where you could have posted this. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=24413 Just kiddin' Donna. Nice job - I love the name, and he looks like a really sweet pup! If he has Jack Russell in him his attention span might be short - maybe 30 minute songs with long, noodley guitar solos might help with that?
  8. 7/13/84 -Greek Theatre, Berkeley CA I: Bertha > Greatest, Dire Wolf, C.C. Rider, Loser, Cassidy, Dupree's, Bucket > Might As Well II: Scarlet > Touch > Fire > Women Smarter > Drums > Space > Wheel > Miracle > Stella > Sugar Mag E: Dark Star* * first DS since 12/31/81, and last one until 10/9/89 After Sugar Mag there was a break announcement, then a big screen came down. The crowd was treated to a viewing of moonscapes, then the Star was played with these stunning visuals as the background. Oh, to have been there - what a Friday the 13th this must have
  9. Hell yeah. I've always loved his guitar playing - what a great tone. Stevie Ray is to Hendrix as Johnson is to Jeff Beck (or so it seems to me). That album (Ah Via Musicom) is chock full of great instrumentals - he does a great job of channeling Wes Montgomery on the tune "East Wes".
  10. When I was a youngster my best friend Alan had a backyard that was the most awesome wiffle ball field. There was always enough kids in the neighborhood to get a 5-on-5 or 6-on-6 game at all times. We'd play all day long - hell, we'd even compile individual stats and stuff (HRs, RBIs etc.). I go around the area now and NEVER see wiffle ball games being played. Pretty sad - where are all of the kids at? Playin' freaking video games inside?
  11. I don't know if this should have its own thread, but Tony Snow passed away from colon cancer as you've all probably heard by now. There's not many good things I can say about anyone who has worked for this Administration, but imo Snow was a pretty class act. I thought he was doing better with the cancer - even though the chemo had robbed him of his hair he still seemed in good spirits recently. 53 years old. RIP Mr. Snow.
  12. The version from 12/30/78 (UCLA) is outstanding, and segues perfectly into a rip-roarin' Saint Stephen. Must hear stuff!
  13. You know, before Barack came around and blew us away with his eloquence Jesse could make the hair on your arms stand straight up. I think we've talked about this before Bjorn but his speech at the '88 convention was one of the great speeches I've ever heard.
  14. "It's not the sport that I can't stand, it's the fans" edit: this is TheMaker
  15. Graham, I saw that this afternoon and it was just about the most uncomfortable I've ever seen a politician look. You could almost literally see the wheels in his mind spinning - "how in the hell do I answer this?"
  16. I'm not sure I'd want this to happen: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080711/ap_on_el_pr/veepstakes
  17. Califone doing the VU's Venus In Furs or Heroin.
  18. I just saw in the paper today that at the horse racing track over in Anderson (which recently added casino gambling) Aretha is going to be there soon.
  19. In Memory of Elizabeth Reed - Allman Bros. La Villa Strangiato - Rush Fracture - King Crimson Black Napkins - Zappa since Mende already mentioned One Of These Days I'll go with Saucerful of Secrets - Floyd
  20. I hear ya man. Still a couple of years away, but Jeesh..
  21. I don't know if you saw it but Dodd gave another (shorter - 25 min.) speech Tuesday night on the Senate floor regarding FISA. There is no one who speaks with more eloquence, or passion, on this issue. Every time I hear him speak on this it makes the hair on my arm stand straight up - and makes me wish I had a Senator like Dodd.
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