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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. The last time this happened, JFK was still alive and I wasn't yet potty trained.
  2. I'd have to dig it out, but I seem to recall some live tracks (one side?) on the "Last of the Red Hot Burritos" LP. Of course GP ain't on it though.
  3. Well, it's SUPPOSED to be on here at 9 PM. Instead we have some bullshit - "telesale.com" or some such. Every time Wilco is on ACL we get pre-empted by something. Every time!
  4. This is great. I'll definitely be asking Santa or the birfday fairies for this one!
  5. Here's a quote from the beloved Ronnie the Ray-Gun (paraphrased, of course) "The homeless choose to live in the street. I choose to live in the White House. That's what makes this country great - the freedom to choose". Shameful how a rat bastard like that has been mythologized into being one of the great leaders of the country. Right when we were on the verge of becoming a more progressive society (imo of course) that pig-fucker turned back the clock in so many areas that we've never really recovered. Maybe now we will. God, I hope so.
  6. That's the biggest fear. I've been saying this for months now - if anyone other than HC gets the nomination, it should be a shoo-in for the Dems. If HC gets the nod, then all bets are off. It's 50/50. The backlash vote could be extreme.
  7. Well thankfully there's still a lot of kind folks out there with literally thousands of hours that don't mind doing old-school trades/b&p's etc. With over 3000 shows during their career I think it's a wonderful thing that I'll probably be chasing down GD shows for the rest of my life...gives me something to do, ya know.
  8. Oh no. I hate to hear this. Hell, Schumer was really instrumental in getting Gonzales out of there. He was pretty determined. I know there's like a 14% approval rating for the Congress but folks like Schumer, Leahy, etc. are really some of the best we have in being adamant about oversight.
  9. Wow that cake looks scrumptious! Don't let it go to waste - send a piece my way! Happy Birfday to youse!
  10. I was thinking Geddy Lee. Steve Hackett is on the far right, second row!
  11. Well that was your typically ugly early season game, but I do have a little bit of optimism. The Pacers do seem to be well conditioned. They blew out the Wizards in OT the other night and finished with a 15-0 run to close out the game tonight. If Granger decides this is going to be the year he gets consistent this team might be fun to watch again.
  12. Yeah, they tried to sabotage a thread I started and by the 4th post the name Hitler had already made an appearance. Jeesh.
  13. Thanks Darkstar! I agree that I'd rather have full shows but Fall '79 (esp. December) was really a good run.
  14. Shout out to b2 - J.O. v Shaq tonite!
  15. You can almost hear the photographer: "OK boys, make a circle...Jeffrey, you get in the center". Sorry.
  16. After the complete debacles of Abu Grahib and Gitmo, which have done more to destroy our credibility on the moral high ground than any events since when...My Lai (?) to think that this nominee (who said repeatedly that he would have no qualms 'going against the wishes of the President') can't come to a conclusion that the rest of the civilized world knows instinctively is sad beyond belief. I think the need to restore some semblance of confidence in the AG after the Gonzales fiasco is imperative. And I think the Senators who are using this as some kind of litmus test are completely justified
  17. Apparently, Attorney General nominee Mukasey isn't sure.. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071102/ap_on_.../senate_mukasey Discuss.
  18. Yes, yes I did. If my kids still did Halloween I would have totally loved doing that idea!
  19. I can't speak for the rest of you, but '93-'01 were some pretty damn good years for me and my family. Then the fucking roof caved in. Kucinich is a modern-day Clean Gene McCarthy in my opinion. I'd love for him to have a chance, but I just don't see it.
  20. So is yours dear. Also, I think you may be completely insane.
  21. Wow. First game of the season...Pacers up 103-100 with just seconds left. Arenas gets the ball, Tinsley in his shirt and the guy drains his only 3-pointer of the night - OT. But we still took it to em in OT 119-110. Without J.O. or Murphy. If these guys can keep ahold of the ball they might be fun to watch for a change. They plan on running and gunning but seeing how J.O. is still the #1 option I'm not sure how they're going to do that yet.
  22. My kid bought this book a month or so ago. I picked it up one rainy Sunday and didn't put it down until I was done. Very interesting stuff. I got to see RHCP a few times in the mid-late 80's w/ Hillel and I just loved them. One of the craaaaziest group of dudes I've ever seen. Just goes to show how hard it is to get out of a hole when you dig one that deep.
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