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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I was certainly crazy at 20, but around 25 or so was when I started to become who I am today. Your mileage may vary.
  2. I think you're onto something there. There are so many Sir P songs that I just abhor - and so many others that are so damn good that you thank God you're alive to hear 'em.
  3. Glad to hear you enjoyed! I've caught these guys many times and yes they are quite good. If you're in VT you've probably saw Phix huh? Those guys are ( well, I mean were) outstanding as well.
  4. Hey, that's almost halfway between here and there right? We'll meet up at Kidsmokes'! oh, if that's ok w/ her.
  5. Yeah! I was kinda disappointed that the 10/27 Dancin' > Franklin's isn't on this. But maybe everyone already has that one.
  6. I'm looking forward to this myself. I really like Fall '79. There are some incredible ScarFires from that tour. Brentski seemed to really come out front on those tunes.
  7. And another: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3Jwvk6MGV8
  8. A personal favorite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igMaEw3SJuk
  9. Happy Birthday my love! We will celebrate in the accustomed style this weekend. And, in your honor, I WILL NOT play King Crimson all day today! "One and one don't make two - one and one make one" - Peter Townshend
  10. That's totally not the case man. Shit, I thought it was ME!
  11. That sums it up. He's first and foremost a businessman. When KISS first began making records ('73) it was precisely the same time that RXR began to move away from being perceived as an 'anti-establishment, anti-authoritarian' thing into a very lucrative entertainment enterprise. I don't really have a problem with this, and I loved KISS back then - I owned all the first 5-6 records when they came out. But something definitely changed around that time. Gene's just one of the more obvious examples of Rock becoming a business.
  12. I know I've mentioned this before, but my parents are 67 and they dig Wilco.
  13. Grateful Dead - McFarlin Auditorium, SMU, Dallas TX 12/26/69 SBD
  14. I don't have any truck with the band in question here, but shouldn't they be doing commercials for Lunesta or something?
  15. 9/20 is a fave. 5/15 is good - has Pig doing "She's Mine"( the only version I own). If you don't mind AUD 8/19 is good too - I think that might have the very first "Truckin'". It's really a shame that large chunks of '70 just are not out there.
  16. With the exception of sporting events, CSPAN is just about all I watch on TV. Oh yeah, I'm a REAL fun guy.
  17. Agreed! Thanks for putting this one up Mr. Crow.
  18. I'm pretty sure that was the very last 45 I bought (at least when it came out). Great band! Early stuff like "The Ogre Battle" really kicked me as a ute. Probably my favorite song of theirs - Keep Yourself Alive.
  19. Neil, you're the best of the best. Have a grrreat day!
  20. I'm still in somewhat of a shock from one of the strangest NFL games I've seen in a long long time. 6 INT's, 2 kick returns for TD's..and to have it all come down to a missed chip-shot FG was beyond the pale for sure.
  21. Green Bay, or Dallas? I hope both of these teams continue to win - a historic, classic rivalry.
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