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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. AWESOME! I think I'll fry some up right now.
  2. New Riders of the Purple Sage - 9/18/69 SBD One of the very first NRPS shows.
  3. I probably shouldn't even post in this thread, seeing how I loathe 95% of everything in the pop/rock genre that's been recorded in the last 30 years. But just for the hell of it, anything by Toby Kieth. (Eric Cartman voice) "God, I really hate that guy".
  4. Whitty, you aren't around here often but I'll take the liberty of speaking for others here and say we're always glad when you are. You always blow me away with your insight, especially when it comes to music. I've played with bands before that have done DSOTM tunes (Breathe, Brain Damage > Eclipse mostly) but never have we attempted to do the whole record. Kudos to you all for tackling this record. I think that the genius of the Floyd is not the virtuosity as much as the arrangements. The dreamy, slow 4/4 tempos, the long, flowing organ lines, the perfectly placed guitar note - all h
  5. I'd hardly call Gitmo nothing. Between that and Abu Grahib I think they've done more damage to the way the world looks at America than anything else in my lifetime.
  6. I'm too lazy to look it up, but don't they play each other the last game of the season?
  7. Man how I love the dueling leads in "Had To Cry Today". Possibly a top 10 alltime Rock record for me (not that I would ever be into lists )
  8. Remember though, Bill said "I didn't inhale" the first time he ran for President. One of the most ridiculous things ever uttered on the campaign trail! I would assume that HC's words on marrriage fall along the same lines. Just say whatever is necessary at the time to garner some votes. I don't know how to see the Craig thing though. Unless he is running for office again? If the allegations are true, then by being in denial how can his situation turn into anything but a total trainwreck for both him and his family? Off topic here - I dunno if it's on youtube but there was some '96 Gr
  9. No effin' "Dark Star" OR "Echoes" RS? You wankers... Nice to see "Bela Lugosi's Dead" on there though.
  10. Phish - 5/8/93 AUD A veritable rollercoaster ride of wierdness.
  11. There was a very interesting discussion tonight with members of the media (print, TV etc) about the campaign. There were two things they all agreed on: 1) as political junkies, they are all having a great time with this campaign and 2) NO ONE has the slightest idea what the hell is going to happen. They all seem to think it's way more wide open than folks would be led to believe. And as BG and others have stated Hillary could be poison if she gets the nomination. Edwards almost has to win Iowa to get the nod. In fact, any of the Dems need Iowa right out of the block. Not so much with the Rep
  12. Yes indeed! Bromberg is an amazing talent. One of my favorites.
  13. Someone needs to get Fred Belitnikoff (sp?) to have a little talk with Willie Parker.
  14. Even if the allegations of Craig's "scandal" are false (as he claims) there are few Senators I loathe more than him. His voting record is horrifying. Shameful Larry, just shameful.
  15. If that isn't a PSA warning of the dangers of cocaine then I don't know what is.
  16. I watched this on PBS here tonight, with a very nice soundsystem taboot. I think my initial impression (from the webcast) was the same. JB did seem to be having a good time and Tal's bass playing was quite good. Definitely on the list for Christmas DVDs.
  17. Grateful Dead - Boston Music Hall 12/1/73 SBD "This lame trip"
  18. Great movie imo. I bought this on VHS 15-20 years ago at a video store - it was in the Horror section, you know "Round Midnight" - wooo scary stuff!
  19. Halfway through this. A good read - although I'd like to punch the narrator (Amir) in the face. Not a very nice kid.
  20. Just a bit more than one month away. Iowa/New Hampshire. The "most important Presidential campaign in our lifetime" etc etc. Will the nominee have this thing wrapped up before February? How important is it to get a jump on the other candidates by winning the first week or two? There seems to be an awful lot of weight being given to Iowa by the pundits right now. Especially considering the situation with the Dems - the top 3 are very very close in terms of percentage. It's kind of sad to say, but I'll assume that a number of second-tier candidates (on either side) will drop out by Feb. 5, i
  21. Make of this what you will: Thursday night Barack was campaigning in NYC and was seen at the Apollo Theatre schmoozing with the unofficial mayor of Harlem - The Reverend Al Sharpton. OK, flame on you haters.
  22. Happy Birfday Matt - have a great day!
  23. (this is a bass) All punk rock and shit Birfday wishes sent out to the East Coast for youse!
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