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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Dear Mrs. Reagan, It's time to quit being the grieving widow and KICK OUT THE JAMS! I'd be more than happy to escort you to the next soiree'. Perhaps 'tincture of cannabis' would be in order. Just sayin'. Sincerely (& Red-Eyed & Blue), MB
  2. The last 45 I bought when it was actually released: Bohemian Rhapsody. Now I feel old (again) .
  3. I'll be there with the family. The Manson family.
  4. Thanks! I'll probably check it out anyway.
  5. OK, I need some help. What's the name of the movie w/ BJM & the Dandy Warhols? And is it good? I'd kinda like to see it.
  6. I'll second that! It's a shame imo that LNGCA isn't on this album. Best rocker I've heard them do in a long time.
  7. I do not. That would be great. I could get you that Floyd stuff in return?
  8. Seriously, I look forward to seeing this at this time of the week like I look forward to wheelco's bovine spectacular! NP: Wilco 5/23/95 Boulder CO
  9. Prog freaks unite!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqPq-eZkn3s
  10. This sums up my feelings quite well.
  11. I recently read a Syd bio called "Out In The Woods" that is really good. Also, my kid d/l'ed some stuff that a guy uploaded on another board recently, and WOW...That stuff was recorded 40 years ago & not only was it way ahead of its time then, it's still ahead of the times now! Genius!
  12. Find a new 'personal assistant' for Keith Richards?
  13. If it weren't for pizza & beer I'd probably weigh 90 pounds. And any BBQ fresh off of teh grill!
  14. Have a great day Jen! It's getting better all the time! * I'm not sure it's very nice to refer to your husband as 'monkey boy'. God, I'm starting to sound like Tiny Diary.
  15. Thanks for that man! Don Cherry is a monster. I've always loved his playing.
  16. Speed Racer, the version that Lou does on the "Rock and Roll Animal" live album is no slouch either. Grreat song! Mr. Rain should weigh in on this...he knows VU inside & out.
  17. If it wasn't for a certain group of space cowboys from the Haight-Ashbury, I don't think it could be argued that The Band is the finest band from North America evah. Watkins Glen July '73: GD, The Band, The Allmans...now there's a show that deserves to be released!
  18. Seger was the first show I ever saw. Right before Live Bullet came out. Really good show. That was his high-water mark for me. Unfortunately, he was way overplayed on the radio from the late'70's on in the Midwest. I just got burned out on him.
  19. It's the month of May, so we start with the 1st: GD---Hampton Coliseum 5/1/81 AUD
  20. God. Was that the year teh Pacers took them to the limit? I couldn't talk for days after that one. I gotta agree with those who say Pistons in 6. Should be a great series though.
  21. Happy Birfday! Don't do anything I would do (that probably cuts the options down a great deal ) Fingers crossed for 6/15
  22. Roxy definitely deserves to be on that list. I know that 90% of RS is crapola, but man that 40th anniversary issue is a keeper! GREAT interviews with a number of folks.
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