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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I've learned quite a bit in my years on this planet, but I'm afraid the last 72 hours have wiped my brain clean of ANY information. I'll have to get back here if anything starts to come back.
  2. Enjoy your special day in the fine style that is your custom! "We are, after all, professionals"---HST
  3. You're absolutely right, but the Republicans are such masters of fear-mongering. They really got that shit down. You know, 'embolden the enemy', 'they'll follow us home', etc., etc.. I know we see it for what it is, but it evidently works. I just don't know how to counter that rhetoric...9/11 (unfortunately) really seems to have given the fear freaks a HUGE advantage in framing issues regarding the war, national security, and the like.
  4. I'm so embarrassed by my Rep I don't even want to talk about him. Sherrod Brown is a good guy. Consider yourself lucky. So is Bernie. I just think the Dems knew there was no way they were gonna get to 67. And cutting off funds would be political suicide. Really, I'm just so disappointed though.
  5. As much as I hate to say it, you gotta admit that by substituting the word 'surrender date' for 'timelines' the Repubs knocked one out of the park.
  6. this is moving faster than a concert webcast thread! :: grabs another beer::
  7. Well, I'm not quite sure, but I'll be damned if I'm going to get myself all wierded out trying to over-analyze!
  8. Mart, you GOTTA-GOTTA-GOTTA-GOTTA have a Happy Birthday!! People like you make this place what it is.
  9. Nicely done. Thanks for putting all of this back in the proper perspective.
  10. There's an innaresting sideline to this:E-85. DSC, I saw your Sen. Grassley (sp.?) last week talking about the possible collusion of the major oil companies with allowing E-85 to be sold at their stations. Stuff like making the station operator put in a new pump for E-85 (rather than use existing ones), not allowing the price for E-85 to be put on the signs, not allowing E-85 pumps to be put under the canopy, etc..
  11. Very nice! I'd like to hear wheelco's take on this.
  12. What about corporate sponsorship being used to subsidize a tour?
  13. Doesn't the phrase "selling out" imply that the artist has somehow compromised himself, or his art? The decision to allow the music to be used ( in whatever form) resides with the creator of the music. If the artist is at peace with their decision, then all that is left is for the listener to make their own decision as to whether they want to listen (or not). It really is as simple as the old adage (which works for TV, radio, film, etc.) "if you don't like it turn the channel/put a different cd on/don't buy the product". I personally find it more disturbing to have a songwriter conciously s
  14. I will check it out man. I should be doing something along those lines myself!
  15. Someone help me out here. I seem to remember the intro to War On War being used for a commercial a few years back. Just the instrumental opening bit. Was that for HP? My memory ain't what it used to be.
  16. Of course, the good part is that ALL of our incomes have doubled in the past 3 years...right? RIGHT??
  17. The price here has nearly doubled just since the '04 elections.
  18. You witnessed something there man...I'm not sure what it was but it was a very special thing to be sure.
  19. YEAH!! Happy Trails is my favorite record ever!
  20. Dude. That hot-n-spicy chicken must be hot-n-spicy!
  21. Happy Birfday Dude! I hope you celebrate your day in the Lebowski style!
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