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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. That's a good 'un. 6 O'clock News gets me. Really, the first time I heard a JT solo show it dawned on me that he'd probably listened to alot of Prine at some time.
  2. Count me in! I'll borrow one of Sir Lammy's wigs ( I already have the albino look down pat).
  3. With a little help from our friends at the NRA, we just might survive those bastardos!
  4. Condolences to you from all of us here at the MB compound. As many folks around here know, we lost our beloved Viola Lee ( Bassett) last Thanksgiving. There's nothing better than dogs imo. So take care. Couldn't help but notice the name Lilac Rain. From Unbroken Chain? Very, very nice!
  5. It's kind of a shame that Wilco doesn't have on of those immediately identifiable, catchy logos that some other bands have. The album covers have always struck me as kind of blah as well. Oh well wtf it's all about the music anyway.
  6. I had great seats for sound last week & I could hear everything Pat was doing..I came away more impressed with him than before. And of course, my 16 year-old is in love with him.
  7. Phish--Columbus, OH 6/22/94 "Read the book! It can SAVE YOUR LIFE!"
  8. Well put. Townshend has put me off more than once by his interviews (esp. the Cincinnati fiasco), just for one example.
  9. Very nice picture! My wife would start a 'Glenn thread" every other day, of course. But that would be wrong, wouldn't it?
  10. Just as long as it isn't an announcement regarding licensing of a certain former band's music for use in commercials for a certain auto company!
  11. So true. The bottom line in '08 is that (at least at this point) this election is as wide-open as any in our lifetime. Anything could happen, and probably will. Bloomberg is still saying he will not run (as of yesterday).
  12. Thanks for the reminder A-man. Less than a week!
  13. Yeah. I wouldn't have missed Ornette for anything else going on there.
  14. I think Hate It Here w/ the horns backing the band would be teh shit.
  15. I'll second Aricandover...I loved that movie as a kid. Still have it on teh VHS.
  16. Nearly everytime I've taken a vacation it was to follow a certain band around. Of course, that band is no longer. Last week was a vaca, of sorts.
  17. Happy Birfday Mr. Beltmann! Have a great day! Oh yeah, a couple of old friends of mine wanted to send their Birfday wishes:
  18. That often seems to be the case. But I can't help but read 'em anyway, ya know?
  19. I've always thought about Jugband Blues---Syd Barrett/Pink Floyd
  20. That's what I was going to ask. Or 'wookettes'?
  21. Over the last couple of days, I've thought back again & again to this show. It's just my perception, but I don't know if I've ever seen a Wilco show where the band/audience synergy was any higher. Both just seemed to feed off of the other. Maybe not the best but definitely the most fun Wilco show I've caught. At first I was kind of 'meh' about the new record. But after seeing these new tunes done live I was amazed how great they came off live. It's obvious they're really enjoying the new material. The audence 'participation' during "Shake It Off" was outrageous! Watching the band membe
  22. Oh man, that's good news! I was at the folks' house for Father's Day & JUST missed Wilco.
  23. Well, perhaps if Green Day did a cover version...
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