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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Dammit WW this is supposed to be on the QT! I'll thank you when I'm sitting in that football stadium for a Wilco show in Row triple Z with 65,000 other beer swilling yahoos! j/k
  2. I know Barry McGuire sang that song, but didn't some 16 year-old kid write it? I think I read that somewhere.
  3. Bunches of live Dead shows! (analog tapes are retro-cool).
  4. Yes, the avatar seems to suggest that. (I keed)
  5. You know, if one person, just one person does it they may think he's really sick and they won't take him. And if two people, two people do it,in harmony, they may think they're both faggots and they won't take either of them. And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. They may think it's an organization. And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day,I said FIFTY PEOPLE A DAY walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. And friends they may thinks it's a movement. And that's what it is , th
  6. HOUNDS!!!! Congrats Walken on your new pup. Is this your first Basset? If so you're in for an adventure! A more easy-going dog is hard to find. A more stubborn dog is hard to find as well. Here's my Basset, Delia (6 months). Just made the appt. for the spay. Yes, her nose is both pink & brown. Unusual.
  7. Standing on the moon I got no cobweb on my shoe Standing on the moon I'm feeling so alone and blue I see the Gulf of Mexico As tiny as a tear The coast of California Must be somewhere over here Over here Standing on the moon I see the battle rage below Standing on the moon I see the soldiers come and go There's a metal flag beside me Someone planted long ago Old Glory standing stiffly Crimson, white, and indigo Indigo I see all of Sotheast Asia I can see El Salvador I hear the cries of children And the other songs of war It's like a mighty melody That rings down from the sky Standing here
  8. Nice of you to remember. Although I think the current group goes way beyond the fevered dreams of Nixon. One thing (I think) is certain: when Jan. '09 finally rolls around, anyone of W.'s cabal who may be in legal jeopardy will be pardoned. Does anyone here really think that there will be any justice served?
  9. Now see, this is part of what I was talking about when I said I don't 'get' them.
  10. Since my level of street-cred is already less than zero I'll just be honest & say I don't get the White Stripes. Don't hate.
  11. I've said this before. I hate to see this happen. REALLY hate to see it. But it's just inevitable. I was lucky enough to see Aaron play & I think of what HE had to deal with while chasing the record. But he handled it all with class & dignity. I know it's silly but like I posted before I would like to see an intentional walk every time BB comes to the plate forever & ever. Now THAT would cause a brouhaha!
  12. $ 3,400. Depressing. > Maybe I'm patting myself on the back here, but I'd like to think that my cadaver would yield a treasure chest's worth of scientific information.
  13. Wow. Here's a lineup for ya: http://www.2b1records.com/summeroflove40th/
  14. Aww. Thanks for the response & the pics.
  15. I truly hope they don't. Anodyne, you mentioned earlier having some rescue greyhounds. Ex-racing right? I was told by a breeder friend of mine that those dogs can be kind of problematic...if the previous owner kept them high on drugs to improve performance their brains can get kind of burned up & they can be dangerous around people (little kids especially). Just wondering about your experience here.
  16. I'm still of the mind that Wilco is a top-flight band, so why not just take the stage for the whole evening? The best Wilco show I've ever seen was the one w/ no opener.
  17. I've always enjoyed P&F much more than RD, just for the more jam-oriented nature of Phil's bands. I really wish the band w/ Herring & Haynes had stayed together. There was no question in my mind that during '01-'02 that was the best band on the planet. I can't get past the irony though of Bobby having Kimock playing with him. Don't expect a full-blown Bobby/Phil make-up anytime soon!
  18. I've always wanted to be in an 'art-rock' band. But my Steve Howe skills...well nevermind.
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