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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Nice find Orkie! Thanks for that.
  2. Absolutely. It does remind me of "Let's Hear It For Rock", but that doesn't really matter. Heck, SBS is pretty reminiscent of Far, Far Away & it's a good song too!
  3. I personally refuse to call that band anything other than The Egos.
  4. I agree. I was talking with a good friend of mine about this stuff last week (Aaron was his childhood hero). What would happen if nobody decided to pitch to Bonds from now on? I mean, just walk him every time he comes up? As far as I know, there's no rules that specifically say that you can't do that. Imo it will be a sad day if/when the record is broken by BB.
  5. I know it's been said over & over again, but we probably stand a better chance of peace in the Middle East before the chance of a Gilmour/Waters reunion. Live 8 might be all we get. I guess it's nice for them to get together for Syd.
  6. Those guys never get the credit they deserve imo. Those records were the soundtrack to my high school years.
  7. Maybe stuff like this is why Wilco gave us the record to listen to before it is officially released. Doing that allows us to make up our own minds about the music, rather than relying on some smug scumbucket critic's opinion to decide if we want the record or not.
  8. "If you ever need to talk, just pick up the phone & call...it's thera-petic"----Barnard Fife
  9. Since PE already did teh Stones.. LZ 1,2,3,4 & Houses of the Holy Floyd: Meddle DSOTM WYWH Animals The Wall
  10. Formerly known as Red Hook IPA. Now called "Longhammer" IPA. I have no idea why.
  11. Post of the day! But we must remember,he was found innocent.
  12. Nice!!! '87 doesn't really translate to tape as well as some other years ( not alot of jamming ) but that year was the most fun evah! Jerry came back from the coma & the whole year was like one long celebration. That MSG run was huge.
  13. Me too. I've tried to get guys that I used to play in a band with to do IKYR in that style, but they always thought it should be real 'jumpin'', or whatever...
  14. I took 5/8 to work yesterday. Listened to 5/7 Monday. 5/9 today! A good week, yes? I've always thought the 1st set of 5/9 is my favorite of the 3...2nd set of 5/8...5/7 is solid w/ one of the finest Half-steps ever done. Playin'>Comes a Time>Playin' from 5/4! Those guys were really on top of it that week.
  15. Thanks Wendy! I could have went with 20 more minutes of that.
  16. Yeah, you're right. Maybe not "better", but "favorite" would be a better way of saying it. Never heard the '83 SPAC Dew ( a sorely under-represented year in my collection). 9/18/87 is a monster. The best I think I ever heard was an '88 Chicago show...blew the roof off the place in an otherwise meh show.
  17. Pleasebepatient: First off, welcome to VC! It's no coincidence that Jeff's music has affected most of us so much that we're all here in the first place. There are many wonderful people here, again ( I think ) a reflection of Jeff & his music. You know this band..hell, you've listened to them longer than I have, so don't be a stranger. This place is big enough that you can find a good debate on every topic under the sun, but small enough that it truly feels like a community. Depression is a deeply personal thing. Many many people here ( myself included ) occasionally struggle with this.
  18. Dude....who in the hell do think is the pater familias here? Play your cards right young man & you could be Tex.
  19. OK, I'll admit I was kinda looking for a friendly little argument there. But guys & gals, surely someone would disagree. 5/22/77 ain't no slouch! Also, thanks Reuben for the link! Hope that gets jumped on!
  20. 5/8 isn't my favorite show of the year ( that would be 6/9 ). It isn't even my favorite show of the MONTH (that would be 5/19 ). BUT...that second set! There were many raging ScarFires in the late 70's- early 80's. This one is the original recipe. It only had been introduced 6 weeks before (3/18), but it's definitely one of the best ever. And I dare anyone here to show me a better post '74 Dew. If there is one I haven't heard it. May '77 is a very special month for the GD. Not their most experimental, or trippiest music, but this is the GD at their most coherent. This must be what Bobb
  21. http://www.theithacajournal.com/apps/pbcs....D=2007704190342 Ithaca
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