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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. An 'experience' to be sure! Easily one of the most far-out things I've ever seen.
  2. Oh yeah, I remember you...you were the girl that was stuck to seat 38 on Phydeaux III.
  3. Grateful Dead I.P.A.s the writings of HST Basset Hounds C-SPAN
  4. That's a classic! "Night on Freak Mountain"....Belushi as Windowpane Watson.
  5. One of the great times of my musical life was getting to see FZ. August '84, at a small club in Indy. The tour later was released as "Does Humor Belong In Music?" Anyway, I'm in the front row & Frank comes out & starts the set with a blistering "Zoot Allures". It was a wild night...FZ was making eye contact with us all night. I think he was a little freaked out when we were singing along with "Dumb All Over". One of the things that always kinda irked me was folks thinking that he was just the guy who had a potty mouth & wrote those funny songs. Let me say, the guy had guitar ch
  6. This is THE CENTRAL SCRUTINIZER....it is my responsiblity to enforce all the laws that haven't been passed yet....it is also my responsibility to warn each and every one of you to the potential consequences of various everyday activities you may be currently performing which could eventually lead to ----THE DEATH PENALTY. Or affect your parents' credit rating... When I was in H.S. Shiek Yerbouti, and the Joe's Garage trilogy came out ('79). It warped me for life. More later...llynnowens, you should go see this Z does Z thing. It will be mind-blowing!
  7. You know me, I turn EVERYTHING in to a Garcia thread.* *= unless it's a Cheney-bashing thread.
  8. Tennessee, Tennessee There ain't no place I'd rather be Baby, won't you carry meeeeeee Back to Tennessee!
  9. Happy Birfday! Ironically, I just gots me some Wilco DVD from '95 in the mail today! Yes!!! Thanks for all you do.
  10. I can't wait to hear what you think about Bonnaroo.
  11. I dunno about entertaining, but some of 'em are 'old & stuff'.
  12. that stuff was so important to me as a ute.
  13. Truth. There are a number of tunes here that remind me (somewhat) of later-period Phish. Oh, and Phish does NOT suck. My .02
  14. Good idea! The first time I heard this song, that's what came to my mind:'damn, this would really be the cherry on top if there was horns on here'. I'll go with Either Way, since no one else has mentioned it.
  15. Happy Birfday! From all of us 40-somethings Enjoy!
  16. "He's obviously been listening to alot of Grateful Dead lately". Maybe this dude has inside information I don't have, but I just don't hear it.
  17. Have you watched the Closing of Winterland DVD?(12/31/78). Cippolina is in the 2nd set & the NFA is a killer.
  18. Yes, he was. I actually was into QMS before the GD. "Happy Trails" is still one of my all-time favorite records. Also, I got the opportunity to hang with John's son Mike for a couple of days a few years back...he was working with David Nelson. At a dinner before the show I pulled him aside & told him 'you know, I just wanted to tell you that I really really loved your Dad's music'. He told me a pretty sad story about how he hardly knew his dad as a child because he was on the road so much. He finally got to hang with John & go out with him when he reached his late teens & then
  19. Definitely. There's few things more disgusting to me than to just continuing to regurgitate the same proven formula over & over again. The difference between art & entertainment, imo.
  20. Yep, that's the indie attitude. I've never understood that type of thinking.
  21. I got the Monterey box set that came out for the 25th anniversary. It's a pretty decent box set, with great performances ( Jimi, Big Brother) and some truly horrible ones (Byrds, esp.). I seriously doubt that the Dead's set will ever be seen (or heard, officially) because they refused to sign a release to allow their performance to be included in an album or movie. A real interesting story...Rock Scully's book gives the explanation why.
  22. HEEEEEYYYYYYYY!!! Happy Mothers Day to all you Mothers! (I actually heard Harry say this on the air one year ) Have a great day, ladies!
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