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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Nice. I have a paperback copy of that & on the back cover is Keith w/ a Basset Hound pup, looking very pissed up. It really looks alot like me about 20 years ago. Not that it has anything to do with it but I've had Bassets myself forever. Rock history (esp. from '64 - '84 or so) is just about my favorite thing to b.s. about.
  2. Your history teacher gave that to you? That's cool! He'd probably get dismissed for being so kind today. Kinda reminds me of the Scully book on the Dead...not really factual but just hilarious. I guess I'd should get the Fletcher book, a friend has that & he sez it's really good.
  3. ..Or "Full Moon", by Peter 'Dougal' Butler, Kieth's personal assistant for 10 years. I dunno if it's out of print or not, but there's enough mad stories in that to last a lifetime. Zappa's " Mudshark" refers to the LZ/ Fudge 'incident'.
  4. Thanks for those Mende. Them fellers sure do drink alot of tea, yes?
  5. I'll bring this up later...but Wendy, The Elbow Room! 2 blocks from the Murat, excellent pub/ restaurant for a pre-show gathering!
  6. All the World's a Wilco!! Seriously, that's the first thing I think of when someone says "Massey Hall".
  7. HA!! You're older than me! (barely ) Have a great birfday, Mr. PE. A Smithwick's in your honor!
  8. My son got me a commemorative t-shirt of that event for Xmas. He's a fine young man.
  9. At the Phil & Friends show I saw last summer, I was approached by a gentleman inquiring if I'd like to get the SBD directly after the show for $25. I spoke for awhile with him, interested in how the technology works. Very cool idea,imo. I eventually told him 'no', & when he asked why not, I told him 'well, it will eventually end up in my hands by hook or by crook'.
  10. 'don't believe the forest when they tell you the roses are free'.
  11. Two Freshmen (who hadn't lost a final game of the season in forever) were the only thing that kept OSU from being totally blown out. I was pretty disappointed, but wtf....now I'm going to work w/ a hangover. Damn those late starts!
  12. I have no idea in regards to your question, but I just wanted to commend you on your screen name. The Reba jam is one of the best!
  13. I haven't confirmed this, but I did hear a rumor of an Asia tour this summer ( no joke).
  14. The Fillmore isn't a freaking "brand", Mr. Eskowitz...it's a state of mind that you people never would begin to understand. God, these people piss me off..
  15. I got to meet Ian & Ronson too way back when...very nice gents. Can't wait to hear his latest!
  16. PLAY IT, LEO !!!! Whoops! Wrong Leo! Have a great birfday!
  17. I'll leave Jeff out of this... 1. Dylan 2.Neil 3.Prine
  18. Very nice! My childhood heroes man!
  19. YEM, Divided Sky, David Bowie..three of the most fully realized arrangements a 20 year old has ever thought up. Beautiful.
  20. I really like the 10/7/95 when it comes to early shows. Bennett is really ON on that one. 7/4/01--probably the most played show in my collection.
  21. Morning Dew Attics of My Life Stella Blue Black Peter To Lay Me Down
  22. He USED to be an alligator 'till I cut his tail off & painted him yeller.
  23. Zappa/Mothers--Freakout! Moby Grape & Tupelo--seconded.
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