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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Earlier this week on my way back to work from lunch hour, I heard "Siberian Khatru" on the freaking radio! I don't think I'd ever heard that on the radio, so I just drove around so i could hear all of it. I was late getting back to work. True story.
  2. OK. This can be dangerous, and embarrasing, quite frankly. But although I don't own any of their music, whenever I hear Bon Scott-era AC/DC in the car I crank that sucker up. Why ? I guess 'cause IT ROCKS, DUDES!
  3. There shouldn't be. That doesn't mean anyone has to like the genre in question. But they were the BEST of that style. LZ > Whitesnake, Great White, numerous "hair" bands of teh '80's Allmans > Skynyrd, Tucker, Outlaws, numerous "southern" bands.. I'll go out on a limb here & say the only thing about ranking stuff that surely we can all agree on is that Hendrix was the best gtr. player in RXR ?
  4. Man, I KNEW I could count on you for this one.
  5. Johnny's post about Tony M. was the hardest I've laughed here since Kevin's description of his birfday last year. Man, that was good.
  6. Dylan & the Dead--Summer '87 Tour compilation. Thanks, Mende!
  7. Congrats to the Lammy family! 3 boys now....may I suggest one of two things: 1) more wigs 2) invest in a 55 gal. drum of teh Rogaine...
  8. Since this has died down, and I've been away all day, I won't have anything to add other than I really love The Band & Wilco. But I wanted to say that this was one of my favorite threads in a long time. Well done.
  9. Have a great day! HEY...did I tell you about my 19th birfday...oh yeah, I did. Forget all of that. Have fun & don't do anything I would do!
  10. That's a good comparison, even though the styles are very different. I might respectfully disagree with "In Through The Out Door" though. ITTOD came out when I was 18. I recall being disappointed with that record (especially since the previous one, "Presence" is just about the best rock guitar album of all time imo). Also, just when I would have been old enough to go see 'em, Bonzo died & I never did get to see 'em. The thing that impresses me so much about Wilco is (like you said) the quality & the care that goes into crafting a great record. More than many other bands, from any
  11. Nobody can touch 'em. At least that I've heard. Gotta love the Lips though. I wonder what Syd Barrett would have thought of those guys...if he would have been listening to music at all.
  12. UW, isn't it ironic that the main proponents of fiscal conservatism these days seem to be the ( Blue Dog )Democrats ? After being force-fed the notion for all of my adult life that Dems will spend this country into oblivion...now they're the ones asking for a little fiscal common sense...whoda thunk it ?
  13. The fact that there was a plan laid out WAY before Congress had even given thought to authorization speaks volumes about how this Admin. operates. Bush, Cheney, etc. see Congress as a fly buzzing around the ass end of a bull...a minor nuisance that only occasionally has to be dealt with. The "Shadow Government" that has existed the past 6 years is truly terrifying. The worst part being their tracks have been covered so well that there is no way we'll ever uncover all the dirty deeds. I highly recommend the John Dean book "Worse Than Watergate" to all...it begins to pick apart situations su
  14. One of my daughter's oldest & best friends is named Ben. He is a young man with a staggering amount of intelligence & imagination. Plus, he thinks Frank Zappa is a God. For those reasons, I always hoped they would be dating by now...but she tells me that they don't like each other 'in that way'. Enough of that though...welcome man!
  15. Ann Arbor vs. Columbus ! Clear the furniture from the room !
  16. David & the Dorks ( Crosby, Garcia, Lesh & Hart) 12/15/70 The Matrix, SF
  17. Well, 75% of AGIB is on KTV ( in somewhat different form ), if you don't already know that. But get ALL of 'em man !
  18. Are you comin' over ? I'll change the dinner table linens ! Not sure about the time..but DNB is on the speakers, so it'll probably have to involve hot sauce.
  19. Lammy, we wuz two very lucky guys....I KNOW you know. Anyway, for sup..hmmm...it'll probably be a leftover-fest. Depends on how lazy I get from now until then.
  20. Vintage Crimson madness, circa '73: Lark's Tongues In Aspic, pt. 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrT2jEv_Yws Easy Money http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZIPwZ6BaBg Sound on Easy Money is a tad rough, but man, RF's solo near the end!!
  21. Nels is amazing. I hope he stays with Jeff & Co. for a long time. But lets be factual...there is only ONE God.
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