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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. We must think about how this will affect the little childrens of the world!
  2. Agreed Off-topic, but the Conan show on 2/15 had a stand-up comedian named John Mulaney....funniest 5 minutes of stand-up I've seen in awhile. If anyone here sees his name pop up around on the tube or in a club nearby, check him out.
  3. Anthony Braxton--The Complete Braxton '71 (Arista-Freedom) w/ Chick Corea, Kenny Wheeler, Dave Holland & Barry Altschul
  4. Those lines are probably my favorite in the song. It could also symbolize the extremes some people indulge in to try to cope with how sad modern life can be. Part of Jeff's genius is that many of his songs ( Ashes been a prime example) are open-ended enough that we can interpret them any way we want...kind of a lyrical Rorschach test. It ultimately says more about the person interpreting than it does about the actual song.
  5. Today, after a week of debate, the House of Represenatives passed a 'non-binding' resolution that came down against sending more troops to Iraq. The vote was 246-182. 15 Republicans voted for the resolution, 2 Democrats voted against. Being non-binding, the resolution is largely symbolic...but the statement it makes can be spun dozens of different ways. What is it really saying & what are the potential consequences? --is it the voice of the people telling W. "we've had enough of your incompetence"? --does it "embolden the enemy" ? --is it the first step in a process to eventually c
  6. I never tire of that one. NP: Wilco--6/12/95 9:30 Club
  7. I remember a commercial for something (was it HP invent?) that had the intro to "War On War" playing in the background.
  8. "Dark Star has meant, while I'm playing it, almost as many things as I can imagine"---JG There are hundreds of versions of that song out there, so many vastly different interpretations to digest, that you really could just listen to nothing but different versions of just "Dark Star" ( not advisable ) and hear bits of the entire gamut of music from the ancient to the present. It's not really possible for me to cite a 'favorite' version (although there are the ones that stick in my mind) but one thing that sticks out to me about the version on "Live Dead" is the absolute perfection of
  9. Kudos to you man! Just what I needed to wake me up this A.M. It probably goes without saying that I've spent more time with that tune than nearly any other JT song I play. Btw, one of my oldest friends from home here now resides in Holland, and one of my favorite I.P.A.s is from there. Here's to Mad Hatter!
  10. Kudos again to Aman for consistently posting some of the sickest jams to be found on youtube. "Elizabeth Reed" is to ABB as "Dark Star" is to GD.
  11. Remember when "Open Arms" was ubiquitous? (I KNOW you do) God that song used to make me have homicidal urges!
  12. Just wanted to post that again. Good call, FY
  13. I'm with you on that Lammy. I kind of hate to say this, but I might be getting 'too old' to deal with 100,000 people in 90+ degree heat.
  14. For me, hands down John Lennon...is there any better RXR vocal than his take on "Twist & Shout"? 2) David Crosby and in no particular order: Rick Danko Roger Daltrey Greg Lake Bowie Stevie Winwood Brian Ferry Rod the Mod Burton Cummings David Clayton-Thomas and of course for "style points": Dylan, LOOOU, Neil,Strummer, & JT
  15. I use one of those & imo it does help. With those fave LPs it is amazing how anal & ritualistic you can get!
  16. We watch in reverence as Narcissus is turned to a flower.. A flowah???
  17. ONLY 57 ! Wow.. The greatest frontman in all of Prog. All Genesis All Day in his honor!
  18. Happiest of Birthdays to you Ben! Have some high-octane
  19. The Who were one of the greatest live bands ever, as you know. It's really hard to tell somebody (esp. if they've never caught them) not to go. When they kick down w/ "See Me, Feel Me" or "Pinball Wizard" or what-have-you, the vibe in the room is so pure you'll swear to God that there is hope for mankind. A real testament to the power of Rock. It may be nit-picking, but I really just wish they would call it Townshend & Daltrey or something. It's just depressing to have to milk the old cash cow over & over again. Sorry for the rant...
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