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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Happy Happy Birfday my good friend!!! Thanks for all you have done for me & everyone in the VC community. You're the best
  2. GD---Dark Star--"Live Dead" (1969)...what a shocker, huh? Although MChris' choice has to be a very close second
  3. GD--9/28/75 SBD A FREE show in Golden Gate Park w/ The Starship. "There's a woman havin' a baby"---Bob Weir
  4. Regardless of the position, if there isn't a pillow between the legs to keep the knees from from knocking together, there's no real sleep.
  5. Birfday wishes & thanks to two young ladies who really make VC the joyous place that it is! IPAs in your honor!
  6. I guess there's actually going to be a protest tomorrow (DC ? I'm not sure) around 11 AM.
  7. One thing I really find so sad is that this Admin. has left so many many things in disarray that there really is NO TIME to look into stuff like impeachment proceedings, criminal trials, etc.. Valerie Plame alone should be enough for charges of treason.
  8. His arrrogance is only surpassed by his stupidity. As has been shown time & time again, Bush/Cheney are gonna do whatever the fuck they want. When you've loaded the benches with judges that have been hand-picked to justify your agenda Congressional oversight & inquiries are like a fly buzzing around the ass-end of a cow...just a minor inconvenience. And of course, when in doubt, just lie your ass off & try to make the bastards prove something. Jess if you want to read something that will really horrify you, may I suggest the John Dean book "Worse then Watergate". This Admi
  9. Owl, my thoughts are with you. Many of you already know that 3 days after Thansgiving I had to put my Basset Hound Viola to sleep. Maybe the hardest thing I've ever done. To be honest, I have been off my game for quite awhile. It's a very slow process, very slow. One of these days it'll all be ok. All the best to you man.
  10. Well, I'm no Peyton fanatic, and he ain't no Joe Montana, but honestly there are few folks out there I've ever seen that run the 2 minute drill better.
  11. My favorite part of that article: Michelle was married to Dennis Hopper for 8 DAYS & described them as 'the happiest days of her life'. LSD supposedly can cause some wild fluctuations in determining lengths of time but man that's pretty extreme right there!
  12. Maybe you've already read this, but "The Audacity of Hope" is good stuff..
  13. A few that crossed my mind as being 'favorites': Steve Howe--Siberian Khatru Robert Fripp--Fracture Zappa--Black Napkins Santana--Europa Keef--Sympathy for the Devil Beck--Cause We've Ended As Lovers Page--Dazed & Confused Knopfler--Telegraph Road Clapton--Sweet Wine (Live) Betts/Allman---Elizabeth Reed (Live) And esp. Gilmour--Time
  14. Kucinich's chances are slim, but damn I love to listen to the guy speak. His ability with words can really shake you up.
  15. Doesn't have Cippolina/Duncan's work on "Who Do You Love" (LP: Happy Trails). Jesus, how could that be left out?
  16. HA!! I KNEW it!! See, the Dead will NOT turn your kids gay, but it WILL make them high!
  17. I'm with you there. I might be mistaken, but I think I might have heard the first live version of that song. Excited the hell out of me. That, and other versions I've got on disc, tells me it NEEDS to be on there.
  18. Like the dust that settles all around me I must find a new home The ways and holes that used to give me shelter Are all as one to me now But I, I would search everywhere Just to hear your call And walk upon stranger roads than this one In a world I used to know before I miss you more Than the sun reflecting off my pillow Bringing the warmth of new life And the sound that echoes all around me I caught a glimpse of in the night But now, now I've lost everything I give to you my soul And the meaning of all I believed before Escapes me in this world of none, no thing, no one And I would searc
  19. The best part for me was right at the beginning when W.said it was his honor & privilege to say "Madame Speaker". Whether he meant it or not. I would have given anything to hear what was said between Pelosi & Satan, err umm I mean Cheney.
  20. Last shows of a tour can be awesome!! Your misfortune could very well pay off in spades.
  21. WOW. That 2nd half was just one of the most exciting halves of football I've watched in a loooong time. The I-65 Super Bowl!
  22. Thanks for the pics. Anyone else notice the marquee? NRPS this week!!! Neil, you gotta run back down to Dallas Thursday!
  23. Please open your eyes Try to realize I found out today We're going wrong Please open your mind See what you can find I found out today We're going wrong We're going wrong...
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