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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. oh no here it comes......TUNAGATE !!
  2. Plenty of others too. I've always thought Hungry Freaks Daddy was great. And Plastic People.
  3. Traditionally ( at least the last 60 yrs.) ,and definitely during the current Administration, the Republican Party is unrivalled in their ability to sell fear to the public. First Communism, now Terrorism. It's so sickening to see the Domino Theory resurrected in the form of Islamic-fascism. How much do the Blue Dogs buy into this line of thinking?
  4. Discounting the 'headliners' that's a great lineup! Damn! Flatlanders would be great to see.
  5. I've always loved live LPs. I've been collecting them since I was a kid. KT is excellently recorded, has great versions of many tunes (AAOF & Spiders>Poor Places, esp.). I must admit I was a tad disappointed when it came out by the lack of material that would span their career. Then again, most live albums by any Rock band captures what that band sounded like 'at that time'. In that respect, KT definitely is a great record. There's plenty of time in the future (hopefully) for more live records, and especially archival releases for those who want that killer version of Passenger Si
  6. I'll get you to Canal by hook or by crook! God, I just love the DNB NP: GD---6/14/76 Cleeean SBD
  7. Since the Blue Dogs are all about reducing Government spending but also are for a strong military this whole idea of cutting off the funds for Bush's war puts them in a very precarious position. The next few days are going to be real interesting in the Capitol.
  8. I think you're spot on. I often wonder though if they're better at maintining unity or secrecy ( at least in regards to the current Admin.).
  9. GD--12/31/82 Set 3 with Etta James & the Tower of Power!
  10. You can count me as well. Don't have a cell phone, don't want one.
  11. Excellent!!! I'm so glad for you Mende, and Fritz & Whiskeygirl too!
  12. Well put man. One of the things I know I'm guilty of (maybe it's just from growing up in the '70's) is measuring a band's worth by their technical ability. You know, 'that band can't play for shit',etc.. I've got better about that over the years...and certainly being a huge NY w/ Horse fan I can appreciate 'ragged but right' musicianship. In their heyday, Sabbath were routinely criticized for their simplistic,'lunkheaded' sound...but now they're pretty much respected for being fathers of an entire genre of rock music. Go figure... Also, I do consider Sabotage to be the last great Sabbat
  13. Interesting article, Owl. In a (sort of) related note, after a hiatus of nearly a year, the Indiana Assembly began their daily business yesterday with prayer. The words 'Jesus Christ' have been replaced by 'Almighty God', with little or no objection. An ACLU attorney said House Speaker Patrick Bauer's amended prayer was "all that we have ever asked for."
  14. You really can't go wrong there. When I was 6 to about 12 or so my parents used to take me down to the local record shop & I bought a number of CCR 45's for like 69 cents or something.They kinda stood out from the rest of the bands of the time.
  15. The Other Ones--Only The Strange Remain (1998)
  16. The BLUE DOGS...many of you have probably heard of them. Or, as Rep. Ross (AR) calls them, the "Democratic Fiscally Conservative Blue Dog Coalition". Now boasting a membership 44 strong in Congress,they're going to have considerable clout in the 110th when it comes to close votes. Their mantra is "pay as you go" & "balance the budget". Who wouldn't agree with that ? Lets look a little further... A number of previously Republican seats in the House were lost to Blue Dog Democrats (including a couple right here in Indiana). In addition to fiscal conservatism, many Blue Dogs take a ve
  17. I've saw them a number of times, always as an opening act for someone (Page/Plant, Santana, ABB).Very nice opening band but I dunno if I'd want to spend $$ and 2+hrs. with 'em.
  18. Aside from the fact that both Jay & Jeff have written some amazing originals, one of my favorite things about UT was their choice of covers. I wish more bands would familiarize themselves with the wealth of great music that exists out there (esp. the Smith & Lomax library). Some of the 'death ballads' would scare the pants off of the goth/dark bands that are out there.
  19. Damn. He was sooo good on the steel I didn't realize he was from South Bend, or he was married for 54 years! R.I.P. Pete
  20. Nice! Would it be out of bounds to suggest you print the article here ? Or send me a link ?
  21. Happy birthday to one of the few people in Rock that successfully straddles the line between Art & Entertainment. Of all the frontmen I've ever seen,hands down the very best.
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