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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. 1. What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before? Did cd trades with people out of the country 2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? No,and no (unless I get more politically active) 3. Did anyone close to you give birth? No 4. Did anyone close to you die? Not yet,although many people I admire did. 5. What countries did you visit? None 6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006? New boiler heat in my house 7. What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? 11/7/06-the day the people said "We're mad as
  2. Wonderful Ed retrospective on 60 Minutes.Both sad & hilarious.The man was really loved.He was the best
  3. They were hiding behind hay bales They were planting in the full moon They had given all they had for something new But the light of day was on them They could see the thrashers coming And the water shone like diamonds in the dew And I was just getting up,hit the road before it's light Tryin' to catch an hour on the sun When I saw those thrashers rollin' by Lookin' more than two lanes wide I was feelin' like my day had just begun Where the eagle glides ascending There's an ancient river bending Down the timeless gorge of changes Where sleeplessness awaits I searched out my companions Who
  4. All ya have to do is say 'Neil' & anyone with any level of coolness whatsoever KNOWS who yer talkin' about What can I say? NY's at the top of my short-list of musical heroes Not to mention my wife's favorite musical artist EVER! Happy B'Day,Mr. Young. You have enriched our lives immeasurably.Keep on Rockin'!
  5. The day I hear Metal Machine Music on the radio,I will be able to die a happy man.
  6. Have a great day,Jonathan! Head over to Carville's & have a spot of high-dollar cognac Scott
  7. A good friend of mine raves on these guys.I'll be checkin' it out,thanks for the heads up.
  8. Sounds like it's comin' my way 75 this afternoon,& snow flurries tomorrow afternoon.Precisely why I took today off.(sealing off foundation vents,plastic over windows,etc..) Yuck..
  9. I thought of you when I heard the score I hope you're crazy-drunk for the next 72 hours.
  10. Bradley was always a favorite around here.When I found out he was also a dear friend of my literary hero HST,that was the icing on the cake. Cheers Ed We will miss you.
  11. I dunno about the Administration in Washington,D.C.,but the Administration is in good hands here Kyle,I just about pissed myself.Excellent work man!!!
  12. Happy Birthday Hoosier! Have a good one!
  13. Nice looking guys Chris! Hey,I can't remember if you said your next child is gonna be a boy or girl,but be sure to post when the day comes. ps. if it's a boy....Hunter Scott...just sayin' Scott
  14. Yea Jess!! For one day,I felt good for this country.They'll be plenty of time in the next few days to try and figure out 'what it all MEANS',but today I felt good. Many good posts today...with very little spite or invective.VC is teh best.
  15. Nancy! Great to have you here on the board The champaign bottles are empty....now let's go to work & clean up this mess. btw,when Kendrick Meek introduced you last night,it was pretty inspiring.That kid has the enthusiasm!
  16. Who'd a thunk it? Indiana has a referendum,& it's not Republican!
  17. If you're up for it,I'll see ya here,same bat-time, for (hopefully) a drink celebrating the return of the 2 party system
  18. Good theory there Bjornicus One I will heartily endorse. Tomorrow it's gonna be
  19. When they turn the pages of history When these days have passed long ago Will they read of us with sadness For the seeds that we let grow We turned our gaze From the castles in the distance Eyes cast down On the path of least resistance Cities full of hatred,fear and lies Withered hearts,and cruel tormented eyes Scheming demons dressed in kingly guise Beating down the multitudes And scoffing at the wise The hypocrites are slandering The sacred halls of Truth Ancient nobles showering Their bitterness on youth Can't we find The minds that made us strong Can't we learn To feel what's right,an
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