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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I know this is a BIG if...but IF the Irish win the rest of their games they could be in for some serious BCS action.Michigan & OSU can't both win that game.
  2. You're savage,cruel & heartless,Mr. Rain
  3. Stay the course....just stay the course...if things continue on their merry course the party of Lincoln will dead as a doornail for the next 20 years
  4. Yea! The thread has been started. First of all,thank you (& you know who you are ) for NOT mentioning the events of the last couple of weeks here in the basketball capital of the universe .I'm so disgusted that I'm really beyond words. Of course I'll still be hoping for a good season here,but if it's anything like last year.... Stephen Jackson=Ron Artest=
  5. I find it next to impossible to not sing out loud when that line comes up Good call.
  6. Hey,we've found the opening act for the Thanksgiving shows! Very cool
  7. Please feel free to indulge in your own preference of ecstatogenic substances Epiphanies guaranteed.
  8. Well I'll be a son-of-a-bitch! Pleeeeze tell me there were tapers
  9. Wonderful that the folks are still around to do such things
  10. I was with ya all the way till Spreeeeewell
  11. No one can really argue that There's a little difference between "greatest" & 'favorite' to me though.Hendrix,Steve Howe,John McLaughlin,Zappa,Beck are no doubt fantastic,but I'll always be a JG guy all the way down the line.
  12. you say that like it's a bad thing. those guys used to kill...really!!
  13. That was a fun party last night...but I still gotta go to work today
  14. Is it not true that good tequila can have ummm..existential qualities?
  15. I think I just grabbed the last one..but you might check peace!
  16. One of the best bands ever! Man if Peter was signed on I'd take a second mortgage out to go see them.One of my oldest & dearest friends (who has seen more shows than anyone else I know) still says seeing PG & Genesis doin' LLDOB in '74 was the greatest rock show he's ever seen.
  17. Fuck,it was TONIGHT! Oh well....couldn't have made it anyway on a Thurs.
  18. the odds are in your favor If you don't post for a few days...nudge nudge...say no more!
  19. If I don't get a post like that once a day I feel like I skipped a meal or something I'm thinkin' Cbus for the Rhythm Devils...???
  20. This was really fun y'all! Kudos to all who allow this kinda thing to happen.
  21. You said a mouthful there,my friend 19 days
  22. That's why you should always take the day off & just stay home on your birthday! Wierd shit like that can put ya off of your game.
  23. I'm hoping like hell that A-Man & the WV folkies gets themselves a Mt. Bed tonite.
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