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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I know I've said this before,but the way the music and the words are so closely intertwined it's hard to believe that JT didn't create the whole thing himself...truly amazing every time i hear it.
  2. A good friend turned me onto a Nels/Thurston Moore disc that was just frightening...it almost triggered a flashback! Just for the record,I think Jeff got exactly the right guy.
  3. Glad to hear you're OK.Black ice is teh worst! Just hugged the kiddo here.Take Care
  4. Dave! Just got in from work..the I.P.A.s are at the ready
  5. This is going to make my head explode...too hard. OK,since there's already a few votes for Poor Places,I'll vote for Ashes of American Flags.
  6. I once made a cassette mix tape of all the Dylan & Band songs covered by the Jerry Garcia Band & the GD.Good times The DNB does a cover of "It Makes No Difference" that is killer
  7. Once I had really misbehaved & my old man got his belt ready....mom was nearby at the kitchen door looking on.. I should say Dad had short pants on..he cuts loose with the first swing of the belt & I kick my legs up & hurdle it,sorta..the belt swings around & SMACKS the old man on his bare legs.I look up & Mom bursts out laughing! ...I finally woke up 2 days later after that little escapade (Jus' keeding...about the waking up 2 days later.The rest is true story) As far as spanking in school,damn that's a thread in itself.And probably one that shouldn't be talked abo
  8. After 6 years of the current Administration,I'd say there are things waaay scarier than ghosts...or cockroaches.
  9. I caught & killed one of those bastards in my garage one time.I then took a length of sewing thread,tied it around the fucker & hung him from a nail...like U.S. troops would in 'Nam..just to let his buddies know I was NOT to be fucked with. As WMF said,those Palmetto bugs are the worst!
  10. Congrats on your retirement & thanks so much for all the hard work.The reason VC is the BEST board on the internet is because of folks like you,Kyle & Donna.I really can't thank you enough.All the Best! Scott
  11. "went to the hospital for medical evaluation"
  12. As far as music docs go,it's one of my favorites.I've probably watched it a half dozen times.
  13. Welcome! Please feel free to check out my home page (profile) & I'd be glad to hook you up with whatever interests you Scott
  14. yer only 21 once,G! Make sure the celebration is in the appropriate manner promise to keep your avatar until Jan. '09
  15. I agree.It may be about the best thing on TV right now. Although I'm sure it's been discussed here before,my little brother got me the book "America,the Book" with all the Daily Show peeps in it a couple of years ago for Xmas.One of the funniest books I've read in years.
  16. Good stuff. All kidding aside,that sounds very cool indeed,El.Does all this have something to do with you hanging at work while you were sick as hell?
  17. Just watched Robin Williams on Letterman.I still think he's the funniest man alive. Robin & Dave discussing his recent stint in rehab: DL:how did you know you were in trouble w/ alcohol? RW:i found myself violating my standards faster than i could lower them. DL:was there a specific incident? RW:well..i was with cheney,& we'd just shot somebody.. amazing that someone can take something so painful & personal,and still make it outrageously funny.
  18. John Lennon-Plastic Ono Band...he would've been 66 today.
  19. Serves that guy right for drinking Coors beer
  20. I've only heard Phil on the Roxy & Eno stuff,but he is a very tasty player & I'd looove to hear some solo stuff..hint,hint,nudge nudge...say no more!
  21. I thought last night's show was just exquisite in every way.The venue,the crowd & the weather combined made for a perfect fall evening. I won't subject the setlist to too much scrutiny...it was quite similar to the other shows so far on the tour,but when the band is playing like they are you really can't complain.Christ for Prez kinda surprised me.Muzzle of Bees was very very good...love the use of loud/soft dynamics there.Poor Places>Reservations made the show for me along with Ashes....Nels' solo is just killer there,he owns that tune! The mood was far less somber both onstage &
  22. Tonight I went to a concert at perhaps the most beeyootiful outdoor venue I've ever been to.Louisville,KY,I hope you all realize what a special place you have there.I'll be going back...the sooner the better
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