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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I used to get mistaken for a young Tommy Chong....then my hair all fell out
  2. Don't ever run for political office man....they'll dig shit like that up an INVESTIGATE your ass!
  3. Happy Birthday Mende! Thanks for all you do.I will celebrate the day (in your honor) in the manner that is my custom. btw,an old friend stopped by to say hi & Happy Birthday to you as well Enjoy! Scott
  4. Case in point:GD crowds after "Touch of Grey" came out.That's all I'm gonna say...before my blood pressure skyrockets.
  5. When this thread came up during Spring Tour,someone (sorry I can't remember who) said something that hit home for me:setlist Zen is the key to enlightenment.
  6. I just saw Roger a couple of weeks ago.If you've never saw him Mende you won't be disappointed! Just be careful if someone offers you teh brownies! I hear those fuckers can sure smack ya down.
  7. Happiest of birthdays to you from the "Heart of Hoosierland"! Scott
  8. There's nothing that's more of a buzz-killer to me than to be at a show watching my favorite band & to have someone who doesn't know how to have fun spoil it for everyone.
  9. Christ,have you ever seen an after the show thread with 111 posts in it? Very innaresting..
  10. Exactly.You can't be too careful.I hate to say it,but there's alot of fans out there with a head full of snakes.
  11. It's a very sick world we live in these days.You can't be too careful,especially if you're in the public eye.The big question to me is where the hell was security? I mean,this wasn't a Dead Kennedys show circa '82.I hope you real fans (O-man,Kid,etc..) didn't have your evening ruined by the events..it's always a shame when you've invested alot of time,money,emotion to go to a show & then a dark cloud ruins it for ya.
  12. You're right.I should know better. previous post deleted..
  13. SCI -McGaw Chapel,Wooster OH,4/13/00 (Acoustic Show). A very good 'un.
  14. That's frightening..just in time for Halloween.
  15. Good lookin' group! Wish I'd have been there.
  16. "If memory serves " It WAS the '80's... That was one hell of a team..probably kick the shit out of any team today.
  17. We should throw a party in cyberspace on the big day...get ALL on line to do a huge bong hit at the same time..or somethin'
  18. Of course,this means the Colts will have to lose next week.When they started out 13-0 last year,the hype got to be truly sick-making.
  19. A-man,I'd like to challenge ya there I'm a veritable cornucopia of useless information. Plus,I'm an old fart with perhaps 3 operating brain cells
  20. ...one of the most original,inventive,& quirky rhythm guitar players in rock history.Nearly any "Playin' in the Band" from '72-'74 will confirm the previous statement. Now,I gotta dig out the 10/16/89 Cheers,Bobby!
  21. I'll take quality over quantity every time.I just get disappointed that I was only 14 when the Band broke up (w/ Robbie in it,that is).Of course,I wasn't listening to them then..it was all about The Zep man
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