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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I bet many of you have already seen this,but in case you haven't (esp. for old-school Nets,Nuggets,Spurs & Pacers fans) http://www.remembertheaba.com
  2. Very cool I used to have such a blast when my little brother (ND 'Bones,'89),would play at the half,either on TV or in person. Keep on keepin' on! Scott
  3. Their debate on TV that CSPAN aired kinda sounded like a catfight to me.At least we know that the negativity is not gender-specific.
  4. 50 'you-gah-lee' soldiers Great song,but man that instrumental section is some disturbing stuff!
  5. Very nice man.Good luck in your mission.And I will have one in your honor on 12/8 (and my honor as well )
  6. I'm not gonna get into the best of all time thing.I will say Glenn is the most exciting drummer out there right now though.He not only drives the whole thing with the band,his enthusiasm is just so contagious! I've said that before,but after getting to catch him up close this month it's just so apparent the guy LOVES what he does.I sincerely hope that continues for a long long time!
  7. For those of you keeping score at home,I believe it is actually known as "Revolution #9"
  8. Oh no! No time for frivolous discussion...better go stash my porn!(& Sabbath LPs)
  9. Man I thought Tester tore Burns up in their televised debate...(Abramoff ) Robert from what I've seen/heard of Murray,she's pretty damn good.Consider yourself lucky...you could be a few more miles East!
  10. Yes! I've seen Taj a number of times,you will not be disappointed NP: Zappa-Shut up & Play Your Guitar
  11. I agree with you,setlist wise.The show was perhaps too emotionally charged to say it was FUN,but it was excellent.I actually had more FUN in Louisville...incredible outdoor venue,perfect weather,and a pretty good setlist taboot (JC4 Prez,Ashes,etc.). But I'm with O-Man here,I'll have to hear the Mt. Bed show first
  12. Lou as usual you're spot on man.I should say that I'm not the sort to patronize,either. Not too sure about jazz or folk these days but bluegrass has been undergoing some really healthy changes for some time now.There are more younger fans digging than any time in recent memory.In my opinion Rock isn't nearly as innovative or original as it has traditionally been(a notable exception being the band that gave rise to this forum here).If it was why does it seem so easy when hearing a "new' band to immediately identify them with something that has come before? A bad habit of mine,to be sure,but onl
  13. That's absolutely true,especially from a pharmacological standpoint.I have always said I'd rather be around a group of heads than drunks in any situation(even though I myself love my beer). It seems as if we've entered another "Drunken Nation" phase in this country.Lord knows why. Judy??
  14. Glenn:Seriously guys,Central Indiana is gonna be the center of the musical universe like San Fran or Seattle used to be & we should do multiple shows there as often as possible. Jeff:Gawd man your bong-hugger fantasies are starting to bore the crap out of me. Leroy:But isn't that a 'Red' state? John:Damn those Sierra Nevadas from last night are kickin' my ass. jus' keeding
  15. I agree that Kimock is amazingly good.Here's something that's always intrigued me:when Phil started up with Phil & Friends way back when,Steve was his main guy.Then I went to see a P+F show in Oct. '99 (Oxford,OH),and Steve was not there.Apparently he quit the band the DAY before.As far as I know he's never shared a stage with Phil since.When Phil's autobiography came out a year or two ago,he did a book signing,in Chicago I believe,and had a little Q&A as well.He reportedly told the folks there that he'd be glad to answer any questions they might have,with one glaring exception:he woul
  16. I wouldn't worry about Wilco becoming 'too popular' if I could just learn to shut my fucking mouth & quit telling anyone that'll listen to me how amazing they are.
  17. I'd also like to say that I'll be shocked if Rick Santorum (PA) & especially Conrad Burns (MT) get reelected.Their debates with the challengers made both of them look very very bad.
  18. The Brawl,1971...bobbob check this shit out! And Oblivious,just cause I like ya (this one still gives me nightmares!) I know OSU/Mich.,Okla/Neb,Ala/Aub...all great rivalries.For my money ND/USC is the best of all. Scott
  19. October 27,1973...Knute Rockne Stadium.#1 U.S.C. (with All Americas Pat Hayden QB,J.K. McKay SE,and Anthony "A.D." "Touchdown" Davis RB) riding high on a 28 game win streak visit South Bend to take on the #3,and also unbeaten Irish (w/ QB Tom Clements,RB Eric Pennick,FB Wayne Bullock,etc..). I was a few weeks from my 11th birthday,and I was THERE (w/ my Aunt,a season ticket holder).The most exciting football game I've ever been to.For those of you old enough to remember....
  20. homemade corn bread..mmmmm.. Michelle's in the kitch right now gettin' cranked up for fried chicken,biscuits,corn,mashed potatoes I'm working hard watching the Colts game
  21. I really really hope that Wilco continues as a band for many years,and Nels is a part of it.He's a fantastic player.Then once we have a large repertiore of tunes with Nels,we can begin to compare ears.It's really unfair to both guys I think to compare at this still early stage,ya know?
  22. You're spot on there..and a rematch would be really cool.I'm really grasping at straws here,as is usual (at this time of the season) for the last 20 years
  23. I'm sympathetic to going Green,but don't forget conventional wisdom that says Green is an acronym for Get Republicans Elected Every November.
  24. Hey All, We're just a shade over 2 weeks until Nov.7.Debates have raged every day for the last few weeks on the tube.It goes without saying that the upcoming elections are huge in determining the course that lies ahead. Everything seems to be up in the air at this point.As a confessed junkie for these kinds of things,I must say the unpredictability of it all is fascinating.Political analyst Charlie Cook ("The Cook Political Report") spoke with some students on TV the other day,and said a 'conservative' estimate (in his opinion) has Democrats picking up 20-25 seats in the House alone. We
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