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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Anyone have the capability to make bumper stickers?
  2. That's 'cuz you're the DUDE! Around here we refer to them as the Egos Next time you're contemplating buying a concert ticket that costs $100+ remember,the Egos started that shit.
  3. JT solo compilation,Oct. '99...a gift from across the pond
  4. Ummm....you're welcome?? Taboot,I watched a program called "The Conservative Agenda" tonite on CSPAN.Brought to you by the friendly folks at Focus on the Family,etc..An hour of blather focusing on a) outlawing abortion b)outlawing same-sex marriage c)getting prayer back in schools..too bad I didn't check my blood pressure afterwards. "You can't run a country on a book of religion Not by a heap or a lump or a smidgen"---FZ,"Dumb All Over"
  5. I can't even begin to list my faves...I love just about everything I've ever heard from UT.I just wanna punch myself in the face that they played dozens of times an hour or less from my house & I never went to see 'em.Shame on me for being so Deadicated at the time. As good as their originals were,their covers were amazing as well....esp. I Wanna Destroy You,Satan,etc.,etc...
  6. I'm not puzzled by THIS,just really pissed off:3 school shootings in less than a week.What in the hell is going on? And folks at my school think I'm 'overly concerned about security'. A dozen meth labs busted in a town of less than 10,000 in a little over a year.I keep waiting for some crankhead parent who's been up for days & has an 'issue' of some sort to come through an unlocked door & go ballistic. This shit could happen anywhere.It makes me sick to the core.
  7. Those aren't swing states,my friend...please stay put (for the good of the country )
  8. Dave,I've been puzzled for weeks by this..pleeze eggsplain the significance of the National Geographic-style pics.I'm in a quandary... Your Pal,MB
  9. that kind of describes alot of comedy these days.a very fine line there,one that a select few are able to pull off successfully.
  10. Sex tapes should be left in the hands of professionals,with professional cameramen.imo..
  11. I can't believe Da Bearss..they stomped the shit out of Seattle.I don't think Alexander being there would have changed things too much.
  12. You make me laugh harder than D.Cook.Just sayin'...
  13. You got to be crazy You gotta have a real need You gotta sleep on your toes And when you're on the street You gotta be able To pick out the easy meat With your eyes closed And then moving in silently Down wind & out of sight You gotta strike when the moment is right Without thinking And after awhile You can work on points for style Like the club tie And the firm handshake A certain look in the eye And an easy smile You have to be trusted By the people that you lie to So that when they turn their backs on you You'll get the chance To put the knife in You gotta keep one eye Looking over
  14. Christ Almighty the last qtr. of the Jets-Colts game was exciting! I may go the rest of the season & not see a crazier ending than that.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Wave_Theatre If you've never seen this show,it's worth tracking down.I taped this off of the old USA Network's "Night Flight" program 20 yrs. ago.Killer performances by Fear,Dead Kennedys,and many other far-out bands(some I've never heard from since).
  16. It's never too early for a cold one I'm almost back to the land of the living now!
  17. Happy Belated Birfday! I hope you celebrated in the style that is your custom. Scott
  18. You're now on DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION mister
  19. Jeff,Susan and Boys, My family's thoughts and sympathies are with you all.Not everyone is blessed with loving,supportive parents.I know I am,and I know you are too. All the Best,Scott,Michelle & Family
  20. I'm now officially ON VACATION! Tonite-Roger Waters,tomorrow-NRPS,10/3-SCI,10-4 & 8-Der Wilco! Gonna be a good week
  21. Jorge,you're right on the money.I've been wondering about this alot lately,with all the debate in Congress about 'detainee treatment' & 'warrantless wiretapping'.We need some HOPE dammit! The last few pages here have been intelligent & relatively spite-free.I will always cling to the old cliche' of 'not my country right or wrong,but how to right the wrongs of my country'.
  22. best of luck to ya then,& if you do get it up & working put something up here for us to check out.that'd be nice.
  23. Wow..I'd say that personally if someone strapped me to a chair & forced me to listen to that Godawful '70's pop collection (as endorsed by GREG BRADY!) that is on TV infomercial I'd tell em anything to get it to stop
  24. Man,you've been dicking with that for a coupla weeks now...aren't you recording your band or something soon? when's that supposed to happen?
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