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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. This is probably a little late in the game,but a really good source of information is this: "Steal This Urine Test" (Fighting Drug Hysteria in America),Abbie Hoffman w/ Jonathan Silvers,1987,Penguin Books.Only 250 pages,so it can be done quick.Very funny & valuable info. Hope this helps.
  2. If you hate Coulier your priorities are in good order. I was worried abut the Dutchman though.Lord knows he gave me enough nightmares way back when.
  3. Rik Smits? Were you eating spicy food before bed? That sounds like a nightmare..
  4. but you can't tell em,because it would be wrong
  5. Folks were on a pretty good roll there for awhile.Good stuff.
  6. Best laugh all day (even including all the stripper stories)
  7. It's an instinct,I suppose.Never could figure out that the worse you feel,the more the young 'uns misbehave. Thank God we're done with that here...grandkids..not yet hopefully.I told em if I didn't get at least 5 yrs. to catch up on lost sleep before grandbabies I was gonna write em out of the will (you know,the EMPIRE,the DYNASTY )
  8. --> QUOTE(Paul B @ Sep 20 2006, 12:13 PM) The first time I dosed was in 1985, by myself, at 11:30 at nite. The midnite album on the radio was Physical Graphitti. By the time the album was over, I was out of my mind but had that album burned into it as well. The odd part of the experience was that I was unable to listen to PG for years afterwards due to the feelings of anxiety and strangeness it would produce. I love stories like that
  9. Excellent! PM me man if/when you get yours..should be any time
  10. Freelance has it's ups & downs too,I suppose.
  11. Precisely why the same agencies decided that LSD was 'unreliable' tool to extract information from prisoners/spies etc.Strange but true.
  12. Sober Deadlines? What would Hunter do??
  13. Or it takes alot of time to weed thru 15 pages of RTT...
  14. Some of these could be culled for a nice coda to the book...Just sayin'
  15. Holy Jeezuss I'm missing out! Don't have 'em
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