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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. sometimes the journey helps to make a show epic & worthwhile..ya gotta trust me.don't pay that kinda bread for any show that doesn't include all-access passes . if you can stand the wait just go down day of show & hope for an extra...face value of course
  2. That's explains it.For some odd reason the sound quality doesn't compare with the albums that preceded & followed it.You could definitely say that Page knew his way around the studio,though,& the production on LZ's records were top-notch in most respects(esp.for that time).
  3. Although I can see their LPs as hit-or-miss,there is absolutely no question that The Who are one of best live acts ever to grace a RXR stage.You MUST get the Live at Leeds.Don't hesitate. I saw them on their first "farewell tour" in '82 (sadly I never saw Moonie)and when they kicked down with the Tommy mini-set part it still,12 years after it's conception, just blew me away.One of those moments where EVERYONE in the room is EXACTLY right where they want to be...the energy was just overwhelming. I love Tommy for the 'anthemic' quality of many of the songs.Underture in particular still gives
  4. I have all of them on vinyl,none on cd (excepting HTWWW)
  5. Once they're out of the puppy stage,absolutely the best dogs for just hangin' out & chillin' with.Great with little kids as well...laid-back...very little concerns with snapping or biting the kiddos.
  6. Thanks,Jorge.An amazing quote.Reminder to self: 'look up "I Heard the Owl".
  7. Beautiful dogs,BB! OK,see what you've done...I have NO digital camera (My kid at BSU has it) but I'll try to get one of the pics I have here scanned if nothing else... Regardless,bring on the dogs ya'll
  8. My Basset is my best pal.10 yrs. old & when she goes down,man I'll be fucked up for days.There should be a 'post a pic of your dog' thread.sigh.
  9. That totally changes the mindset,huh? I didn't realize,I was just thinkin' the Keys is a good place to go crazy.
  10. Not the Freshman you spoke of the other day?
  11. Date or no,maybe you should approach this with the attitude of just runnin' the gamut & makin' it a evening or two of total debauchery. None of my bidness,I'm just makin' a suggestion...
  12. I'm guessing it's not your wedding?
  13. I don't think you're wrong,but it's a touchy subject to say the least. Along with the other instincts we have as humans,there also seems to be an innate desire in all of us to seek answers that explain the unexplainable.Is that the main function of organized religion? It perplexes me in some ways that it is so important to find all the answers to the keys of existence.Don't you find it somewhat liberating NOT to know? From personal experience,it appears you find more when you're not actively seeking.Those are the fleeting moments to treasure. To each his own & no flames,agreed?
  14. yeah he was but what the hell? A good thread is a good thread.
  15. I'd just like to say thanks IRDB for the Willie thread.That's a good 'un.
  16. Tanks,Mende for mentioning this often-overlooked one..my personal favorite & the one I still listen to. Due to a very cool cousin that was about 8 years older than me (and didn't mind a little kid tagging around) I was into those guys when I was a pup.While the other kids in our class were listening to the Archies or whatever I was jumping around with a tennis raquet pretending to be J. Page.Yes,I was a freak even then! God,all of em are good.For a band sometimes labled as Heavy Metal they sure had alot of styles & textures.Such a shame they were victims of overkill. Another reas
  17. totally charming...could probably charm a nun out of her habit (or maybe HAS)
  18. Willie Nelson is to Country music as Keef is to RXR.Just sayin'
  19. Hey...look in the air There's smoke fillin' everywhere And hey,look on the ground There's blood spillin' all around We live in the Garden of Eden,yeah Don't know why we want to tear The whole thing to the ground We live in the Garden of Eden,yeah Don't know why we want to tear The whole thing down Hey...look at the green green tree It ain't quite as green green as it used to be And hey,look at the cool clear water It ain't quite as cool and clear As it ought to be,and We live in the Garden of Eden,yeah Don't know why we want to tear The whole thing to the ground We live in the Garden of
  20. Although I've always thought j4's avatar is teh coolest,right now Mr. H is kickin' my ass with his new one bush..or chimp?
  21. I did my good deed for the day by turning a lifelong friend onto my Lafayette extra.It will be his 1st show.
  22. well....although I thought long & hard about it (and I'm sure many prayed for it) I DID NOT stick my head in the oven last night following the ND game.I DID have to talk down my father who was contemplating jumping off the local bridge though...whew!
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