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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. That band for me has to be Boston,first & foremost.There's many others though.
  2. No...probably not.If there's a more arrogant man in the Administration,I don't know who it would be. ...Wait a minute...what about..."THE DUCK HUNTER"
  3. yeah,with Vineteri(sp?) missing a shit-load of FGs...I hope Vanderjagt has a good year with Dallas
  4. Peyton vs. Eli,Peyton vs. Eli...hell yeah I want to watch that game,but the hype is killin' me.I may blow up my TV before Sunday night
  5. GD,2/24/74...Dark Star>Morning Dew....shoulda been born in '52 instead of '62
  6. My brother has had Chows for 20 years,and swears by 'em....beautiful dogs...they can occaisionally be tempermental,tho
  7. I could use that...& a blues fest taboot! For now,the old standby...Sierra Nevada
  8. What kinda dog is Kerry? I got a Basset & although their bark is mean-sounding,they're as mellow as they come
  9. I KNEW I could count on you to give it to me straight Man,if the Dems can't take back control this time they may as well go the way of the Whigs eh?
  10. While debating an (some might say obstructionist)amendment,sponsored by Sen. Kennedy, to the appropriations bill the arguments lingered on all afternoon & into the evening over whether Donald Rumsfeld should leave.The debate was spirited and (somewhat surprisingly) articulate from both sides of the aisle...one side eloquently reciting the "litany of failures" of Rummy while the other side just as eloquently giving the case to stay the course(although it must be said that Sen. Warner & his colleagues were relying on their stock-in-trade "politics of fear").Very compelling viewing
  11. I considered this this AM but I thought it may be mean-spirited
  12. Me either,although he's REALLY popular around here.Live Bullet was a good party album when I was a ute..I actually saw that tour (opened for KISS),but after that zzzzz..
  13. Top 5 things I didn't expect to hear my doctor say when I went for a colonoscopy
  14. I think you're right there.With NC involved I think it would be reasonable to assume things would get stranger than ever...but NOOOOOO! Another reason to love these guys...they continue to defy speculation.Now if this record can just come out before I'm eligible for my AARP card
  15. Absolutely! Don't have a credit card,don't want one. You know how credit card companies will call you up & have their telemarketer give this wonderful spiel about how great they are,how much they can help you,etc.? I once got in an argument with a woman over this & she kept at me until i blurted out "ma'am,I believe credit cards are the work of the devil " Needless to say,she thought I was a religious kook & politely told me good day.. Thank the lord for the no-call list..
  16. May I suggest "Tonight's The Night" & a shot of tequila?
  17. The Ginepri/Haas match was a killer today,as well...tiebreak in the 5th...Ginepri was looking so good the last set,it was kinda shocking how Haas just smoked his ass in the tiebreak. Still,until proven otherwise,Federer will roll on...God that guy amazes me
  18. Nice! w/o picking up the guitar,it sounded like it was capoed to a different key...lovely to see the wifey tapping her foot & quietly singing along....pretty sure I hooked her for good! And now,back to Modern Times again.... So stoked to get this
  19. Well,I'm with you there,if you don't count the events of the last 5 years or so sorry,whole nother thread there..
  20. Sounds good right now....perfect 'night shift' music.Some tunes are really in the "Sweetheart of the Rodeo" vein,eh?
  21. Well,I dunno about that but I'd like to be the keeper of the Grateful Dead vault My app is on file
  22. OMG Rich! If this is anything like the books of HST letters,I need to grab this up pronto!
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