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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I know I've banged this gong before,but damn how about an evening of just Wilco? That's who I'm paying to see.
  2. Man that Photoshop is some crazy shit...for a second there I was really worried that PH might have some semblance of cool in her person
  3. I think realistically that may be all you can do..that & vote people in office who will represent those who are not obscenely wealthy (with interests that are self-absorbed). The tragic flaw of the Capitalist system seems to be that it plays right into the hands of the deadly sin of greed...a sin that's never too far back in the minds of us all.
  4. My kids & I looked forward to watching Steve on Saturday mornings...his enthusiasm about his job was contagious & he did turn alot of folks onto wildlife.His "hands-on" style was light years different than Marlon Perkins ("Be careful there,Jim!"). Heartfelt condolences to his family..he will be missed "Look at her...isn't she beeyoootiful! Just one bite from her powerful jaws can rip your arm off!"
  5. Damn,Louie..sounds like a great time there! As soon as I saw that Joe Lovano was there,I was hopin you'd tell me how it was...Lee Konitz as well Indy has a so-called Jazz Fest,but it's really minor league,imo
  6. Crikey! Where do ya come up with this stuff? Should be framed on my wall or something
  7. That is too bad....weren't they talkin about major BCS action this year?
  8. You can take only so much of Jerry Lewis,ya know?
  9. This is no time for Celebration This is no time for Shaking Hands This is no time for Backslapping This is no time for Marching Bands This is no time for Optimism This is no time for Endless Thought This is no time for my country Right or Wrong Remember what that brought There is no time This is no time for Congratulations This is no time to Turn Your Back This is no time for Circumlocution This is no time for Learned Speech This is no time to Count Your Blessings This is no time for Private Gain This is a time to Put Up or Shut Up It won't come back this way again There is no time
  10. Jeeezus Christ.....you're onto something there When the movie comes out,I'm thinkin' Rep. Ted Poe starring as the ghost of Joe McCarthy
  11. Yeah,it didn't sound too impressive...GT will probably move up in the top 25 with a loss..how often do you see that? Any Boiler fans out there? Man,I think I'd be a little worried.Giving up 35 pts. to a team that was 0-11 last year
  12. The Baghdatis/Agassi match was one for the books,that's for sure.The crowd was fired up to the point where if you didn't know better you'd have thought this was a Davis Cup match in South America or something. The match today..well...I was watchin' & rootin' but man Andre was just too tore up.It made me wince to see him moving around the court & between points it was obvious that the guy was in a great deal of pain. Here's a question I'd like to know the answer to:given all the noise recently about steroids in MLB & the Tour de France fiasco,how is it Andre was able to get the in
  13. The show I caught last night was fantastic,& the LWW stuff was gripping.Really moved me. Just getting to see NY again finaally & rockin'his ass off made it a wonderful evening
  14. that says it all for me I diggin' this record the first listen,moreso than the last couple
  15. Birthday salutations to you,Johnny You got one of the best avatars in the bidness...never fails to make me smile GD 9/3/77??
  16. Just got the new record yesterday...me likey A few tunes there really capture that "3AM" vibe....few people do that better than Bob
  17. well,you know if you just substitute the word "terrorist" for "communist" it may as well be 1954 again...sick
  18. Sounds nice! hoping that might hit the Indy area (Music Mill,perhaps? )
  19. You comin' to the Creek? Excellent!! See ya there (I'll be the dude w/ a ponytail & tye-dye on )
  20. Oh well,to each his own...I'm sure during the "artsy" days there were those who were yelling "Christ,you guys,ROCK OUT!" "BOX FULLA LETTERS!" . I think at this point we can just go on history & trust that whenever it comes out,& whatever is on it,it will be good & it will stand up to repeated listenings.. I mean have you been let down before? I haven't. Scott
  21. Wow...As ashamed as I am to admit it,a few years back the Klan won a decision that allowed them to parade in my hometown Being the kinda guy I am,I went up & took pics & mailed 'em out to old friends that left town & said " look what you're missing here!" It was friggin'disgusting but as much as i was upset that those s.o.b.s decided to come here,i guess sometimes you gotta accept the sick have a right to their views,even if they're dead wrong...not unlike Bush-Lovers
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