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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Is he good live? All I have are some inferior bootlegs..
  2. I looooved Dylan's version of it...my daughter used to listen to it alot when she was a babe
  3. John 41,Leroy 40...if you didn't vote,you have no right to complain 'In a Democracy,the people get the band they deserve'--Adlai Stevenson
  4. true,and many can be forgotten by more alcohol
  5. See,this thread has worth...you all made me laugh harder that I have all day!
  6. I think the politically correct term would be 'manscaper'
  7. No way is Whitey McHipHoppants Suburban Don't tell me this...next thing you know they'll be saying Lee Harvey Oswald didn't shoot JFK
  8. Nice comparison! And poortranslator,it makes me smile when folks have a gooood time
  9. GD 10/17/83...Monstrous 17 min.Sugaree 1st set opener.Thanks,Chris!! Never met a Sugaree I didn't like
  10. No one can touch the Dawg,imo...& he'll be here soon Nickel Creek IS excellent,but I'm kind of a Yonder guy myself
  11. Hell yes,Bjorn is wise...he's friggin' Rasputin!!! j4,as well Sorry,I never understood gambling with money,only my sanity
  12. Absolutely I couldn't agree more...a good sharp shiv would take care of the 'sex change',eh?
  13. I took my PJ freak son to see 'em a few years ago & when they did Interstellar I almost shit my pants.Made me glad i went (I only had the first 3 records at the time)
  14. Bless you man...the first cd could be called 'Songs of the Doomed' Scott
  15. Alot of good points made there man. Scott
  16. Hmmmm.....it's been said that there's no such thing as an athiest on their deathbed. It's also been said you can get through a day w/o sex or drugs,but you can't get through a day w/o rationalization So I dunno... All that nonsense being said,I hope a show works out for ya man
  17. No kidding? If anyone here deserves a show,it's you sir If all here would cough up a buck,you're comin'over in style! Scott
  18. God,that's some funny shit there
  19. Fred is one of the few reasons to watch SNL these days.We love him to death here. After I first saw the MOVIE,I kinda fell into the habit of speaking like Fericito for awhile (esp. when drinking,drove Mrs. MB nuts) Enjoy the show!!
  20. Stella.....ya know if she's out in the neighborhood & you gotta call for her do yer best Brando. Stellllllaaaaaah!!! Scott
  21. That's what Sunday afternoons are for,my friend A little Golf,low on the volume,on TV....zzzzzzz. Makes Ambien seem like a waste of money
  22. I think what you're sayin' is if you go to the show w/ no expectations & alot of joy in your heart,you won't go away disappointed. Something I had to learn when I started re-evaluating whether or not to see so many shows by the same band.Easier said than done but well worth it in the long run..
  23. Wilco doin' Woody songs or Bob? Decisions,decisions.... Although Bob's on the top of the list,at this point in time I'm gonna risk blasphemy & say Jeff Scott
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