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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. An old buddy of mine has lived there for 25 years.Check out Golden Gate park if you can...& of course Mecca (the Fillmore)
  2. Truer words were never spoken.They certainly run this state,and we need an ID here as well.I'd have to look it up,but my guess is IN has never voted D in a presidential in my lifetime(I think they might have even voted Goldwater)
  3. In the "interests of National Security",as your lawyer I advise you to not answer the question Jus' keeding
  4. Thanks for the post man.Good news is so hard to come by it seems...we needed this
  5. Sounds like we're in the minority here,but I agree I watch almost NO TV(excepting sports) but I got hooked on CI & it's a shame that Vince is only on every other week now
  6. Dire Straits-"It Never Rains" ..i forgot about this one
  7. Happy Birfday fellow Hoosier! Oh to be 29 again...
  8. Maybe Neil's most underrated? A 3am album..I should go put it on RIGHT NOW
  9. I thought the Anthology was nice,but really you can't go wrong with any of em
  10. That's something any sane person can agree on...not that I'm sane,mind you I think this was created for such a thought
  11. Christ I can't believe I read the whole thread..what's on HBO?
  12. one of my favorite pieces they do ..i saw them run the end of that into spiders in indy last year & it was incredible
  13. unfotunately yes I think so..but now Goldie...damn she's old enuff to be my mom & she still looks good
  14. That is the most disturbing part for me...although as Bjornicus said the conspiracy theory is a tough sell. What is indisputable is that once it all went down,it played right into the hands of those who were looking for a way to further their 'agenda',such as it was/is
  15. Jackson Browne's "Late for the Sky"...really a must hear if you haven't already
  16. Is that the Clash's 1st LP on the shirt? Dude,you ARE RXR...I'd almost take back all the bad things I've said about the Wallace boys..but I just can't
  17. ah yes,the schaweeng state good luck over there And Jorge,tanks for the heads up great reminder
  18. photogenic hardly describes her..great player,but damn that loud shrieking & grunting gets annoying after awhile..watch w/ the sound down
  19. Very nice man I remember having to sit down with my kids who were like 16,13 & 10 at the time & trying to keep from getting choked up & trying to make sense of this for them.I told them that as long as we did the best we could do every day & lived every day to the fullest,there's no way we can be the "loser" in all this.(I know,easier said than done) I believed then,and still believe now,in the old axiom:that which doesn't kill us can only make us stronger
  20. I dunno bout Willie,I really liked him,McCovey,Juan Marichal,Bonds,etc. I DID see Hank hit was it 712 or 713 at Riverfront in april '74...11 yrs. old
  21. That's ok man..I'm friggin' old I still remember the joy of seeing the Hammer break the Babe's HR record
  22. I actually do.Willie was my baseball hero as a child,and it wasn't pretty
  23. Along with Garcia,in his prime Townshend was a shining example of why Rock was so damn important.One of the best interviews around,he could pontificate at length on an endless variety of subjects..not least of which would be the fervent belief in the power of rock-n-roll to transport the self from the mundane to a higher plane of conciousness where real positive social change could occur. Christ that's why I get so disturbed at seeing his songs being used to sell shit I don't need...Jeff pleeeze don't let this happen to what you've created...life is long,ya know??
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