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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Mad Hatter I.P.A. (Holland,MI) My motto:Hoppy is Happy
  2. I've never been too crazy for that type of music,but PE,NWA & Ice-T was the shit,imo.
  3. We saw a side of Bill Clinton the general public rarely sees today.For a minute there I thought he was going to reach over & throttle the little s.o.b. that was doing the interview.
  4. God,I love that record.Makes the hair on your arms stand straight up
  5. Take this brother,may it serve you well (#9)
  6. Joe Pa had OSU even steven for 50+ min. today.Definitely a closer game than the final score would indicate.
  7. I couldn't agree more.A real page turner.Coming from a lifelong fan.I really listened to tunes I've heard forever with fresh ears.
  8. You're tellin me! I have a nice dining room at my home that turned into a 'music room' just so I could house all the vinyl...everyone eats at a little nook in the kitchen My wife has begun to drop hints that maybe the stuff could now go in one the empty rooms UPSTAIRS that used to be the kids' rooms...not too sure my back could take the move!
  9. I really hope so.I'm not gonna get into the best of all time arguments,but all I will say is that the music & lyrics that Mr. JT has come up with has reached into my heart & brain in a way that few other people have in my lifetime. We all do rock criticism here but to do that for a living just strikes me as a bit pretentious,to be nice..
  10. True...but it sickens me to think that the prison system is so overcrowded because of weed smokers & the like..so frickin' pedophiles get let out early to go about their dastardly deeds And speaking just in terms of 'addiction',evidently pedophilia must be like heroin or crack or something.The recidivism rate is off the scale.
  11. Rain,and nothing but here.Oh well,a day of alcohol-fueled football watching will suffice
  12. Someday soon I remember we thought for SURE decriminalization (at least) would happen back in the '70's...but then came the whole 'just say no,turn in your parents' b.s. I'm not as optimistic as you but there is still a small semblance of hope that this will eventually happen before we're all in wheelchairs!
  13. Glad to have you back all in one piece!
  14. One of my first NY boots was this run.Still some of the best CH i've ever heard!
  15. I was so impressed myself with the rearrangements of the classic rep that gave ample time to the other musicians.When that tour happened I had not listened to the band for at least a dozen years or so.It really made me listen to the material with fresh ears.
  16. I'm gonna hit the rack & hope that the next time I come back there isn't a shittrain of invective being hurled about.
  17. I gotta say a word about my friend Ken.This man is as dedicated to Rush as any hard-core DeadHead is to the GD.Has seen a show EVERY tour Rush has played in Indy since the 2112 tour.Knowledgable,articulate..a damn fine person.I've been to a half-dozen shows with him myself.You go to see Rush with the guy & it's like a real good NYE When they did the tour in '97 or so when 2112 got played in it's entirety for the first time since god knows when we had ALL of us together from my hometown on the lawn...all the old HS buds,like a reunion or somethin'.A grreat nite.
  18. The cheesy synths you speak of didn't really come into the mix heavily until the next LP Signals.All those others are primarily just killer 3-piece rock..kinda Led Zep playin' Yes chord changes (generally)..
  19. Everything from 2112 (1976) up to Moving Pictures (1981) is just amazing.Every record in that run is worth checking out.
  20. I've noticed you have to be discreet sometimes when mentioning phrases like 'string cheese' or some such around these parts Nothing wrong with wavin the flag.
  21. Question for bobbob...I know you're from the 'part that voted blue'.Miami,right? Whaddya think about Kendrick Meeks? Personally,I'd be proud to be a constituent of his.Watched him again on the "30-something" hour on C-SPAN again tonite.Folks like him & Artur Davis of Alabama give me some small semblance of hope for the younger generation. http://www.HouseDemocrats.gov/30Something
  22. Have you seen the R30 DVD? Killer! I especially liked the vintage footage from Don Kirschner's shows.I remember seeing it when it came out on TV...Farewell to Kings era...my fave LP of theirs
  23. I don't get the channel but I just wanted to say Neil Peart is a God & I think Glenn would back me up on that Also,my wife & I were discussing movies we'd like to watch..I need some help here..anyone remember the name of the flick about the Brian Jonestown Massacre & the Dandy Warhols? I'd like to check it out & get some feedback here if possible.Tanks.
  24. Warren Haynes sets in with every band in all-day festival.Onstage for 12 straight hours,& then jets to London to record with Ringo (on bass).
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