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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Since we're just a week away ,maybe some pre-show rituals could be discussed.A real nice brew pub just 2 miles away from the venue..would be a cool place to get together & prime the pump.Check it out: http://www.lafayettebrewingco.com Wednesday is $2.50 pint day for all interested in that sort of thing. I really look forward to meeting some of you...it would be real nice! Anyone interested in this feel free to give me a yell. Scott
  2. I didn't vote..there was no 'ganja creep who made $$$ off of the cheerleader/BMOC crowd' option
  3. Don't worry till they start with the 2 Live Crew
  4. I don't give a shit what anyone else says,you're 8.5 in da house here
  5. Evidently they're REAL strict about gang-related activity around here I'll ask C66 what I should do...
  6. My kid got kicked out of school today for wearing her A-man Posse shirt...how will I explain this to the Principal?
  7. --> QUOTE(Paul B @ Sep 26 2006, 01:26 PM) Dang! I could have written that too. Are you sure you're not me? I don't know...am I? After reading about your Zeppelin 'experience',I think the term might be synchronicity
  8. Bob Dylan-HWY 61 Lennon-Plastic Ono Band Quicksilver-Happy Trails Lou Reed-New York Neil Young-Rust Never Sleeps NRPS-1st David Crosby-If I Could Only Remember My Name Yes-Close to the Edge Zappa/Mothers-Absolutely Free King Crimson-Discipline no fair! just ten??
  9. Happy Birfdaay! Every time this appears on the screen,you must take a drink!
  10. Didn't we learn that with the Swaggart/Baker scandals 20 years ago? Isn't "Christian Conservativism" just a euphemism for the remains of the "Moral Majority"? I'm not so sure about the end of the theocratic wing.It seems they've reorganized,registered voters in record numbers,etc.
  11. It would be fun if during a heated political argument here (instead of heaping a bunch a personal invective) someone would say'with all due respect to the distinguished gentleman' (or lady).
  12. Shoot me a review once you live with it for awhile
  13. That's so true.By Fall '91,Jerry was staring at the floor again on stage,seemingly oblivious at times I didn't see hardly any of that from the '87 Comeback until Brent's unfortunate death. Man those DVDs sure capture the close musical friendship those two had.
  14. Wow...my kids got 2 tics last weekend but I think they were full price
  15. Seconded,thirded,etc... My youngest once said one of the best criticisms regarding the GD I've ever heard.She was probably 3 or 4.I was going on a short (less than 1 hr.) trip with her when a '73 Playin' came on the tape.I say,'whaddya think of this hon?'She goes,'I like the songs,but I don't like it when they start practicin'.I mean that's just spot on!
  16. Yeah,that's really sayin' something! And to think I thought Reagan was the AntiChrist. I vividly remember watching the Inauguration in Jan '01 & being just profoundly depressed (esp. after that Election fiasco).I looked at my wife & said 'this is going to be the worst 4 years this country has seen in our lifetime'.Jesus,I thought it would be bad but never EVER in my worst nightmare would I have thought it would be this bad..it's just so beyond the pale it's almost hard to believe even though we watch the news every day.
  17. If Nevermind would have came out when I was 16,I'm sure I would have been talking about how important it was to me.But I was 30,& my tastes were drastically different by then.My son (18) loves all the grunge era bands so he's got me to respect that era more than I perhaps would have. A non-musical aside:one thing that always used to piss me off was the whole "Kurt & Courtney are/were the John & Yoko of the '90's" thing.No effin' way dudes.No one could ever convince me of that.
  18. I think Bill has been as cool as he could be over the years.In general,forgive & forget.Christ,he even let bygones be bygones & teamed up with Senior for tsnunami relief,etc..Does anyone remember the'92 campaign? Those cheap shot artists did all but call him a commie fag or something similar.They even were low enough to go after him for getting a BJ! But the insinuations regarding 9/11 was going too far,imo. As I said last night on the RTT,for a moment there I thought he was going to reach over & throttle Wallace. Judy said it made her day...I tend to agree
  19. If you can do 2 yrs,anger management will be easier Best of luck RC!
  20. Thanks for rubbing it in ...errr,ummm..I mean sharing No really Boots,I know you had a great time. Like to go there myself someday.
  21. There's an "American Masters" on PBS here in about 15-20 minutes.Andy Warhol.Looks innaresting.Any thoughts,criticisms?
  22. Me too.'89 really began the last great GD era which lasted until '91 or so.I saw ALOT of shows those 2+years.After that (for reasons we don't have to go into) it got to be so depressing that I gave up 'touring' for the most part. Sadly,I never appreciated Brent fully until he left us
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