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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. McCaskill & Talent are scheduled to debate on Tim Russert Sunday....should be interesting
  2. One thing I've noticed during my time here at VC is that after nearly every show someone will inevitably ask 'did anyone tape last night's show'? Which brings the following thought to mind (some VC vets may be helpful here): does anyone know if there has ever been serious thought given by the band or powers that be to establishing a 'tapers section' to record the shows? It seems that maybe 3/4 of all the shows do get taped & make the rounds eventually.Amazing quality stealth tapes are frequently shared here.But given the number of hardcore fans & tech-freaks around here..well nothing
  3. "Whiskey Before Breakfast"....are you pre-law,BB?
  4. I want to.Can you hook us up? Most appreciated
  5. NP 10/5/06:the good morning song (acoustic version)
  6. grrreat song. as you all would figure,I like the tunes w/ noise in 'em
  7. I'm not sure what a "clean mind" is. I'm assuming that after the kids are gone (over 50) that sex will be even better!
  8. you sound like my kind of person.
  9. I thought it kicked ass & there were a number of times where Jeff just cut loose with SCREAMS (ala beginning of KT,etc.).Those who like teh Rockin' Wilco will love this one! I hope this makes the cut when the record comes out.
  10. Chrissie was/is my favorite female front'man' ever.Just the right mix of punk "fuck you" attitude & mainstream sensibility.I should start the day with that LP right now.
  11. Politics aside,it sure was fun being a teenager during the Carter years."Sans Souci"
  12. Happy Happy Joy Joy!! Hope you have a grreat one
  13. Got home an hour ago.Nice time.A little emotional though,as you could expect.
  14. A week filled with concerts! Enjoying it....as long as my brains don't turn to goo by the end of the week
  15. Not one for catching opening acts in general,but I reaaly enjoyed EDM tonite.Good job,folks!
  16. I had a bunch of first timers with me tonite (Lafayette) & everyone seemed to be blown away by the show. I think they all like teh Wilco now
  17. Just wondering why the Foley thread closed up.Everyone was very civil I thought. More 'revelations' on the news at noon...Foley molested by a clergyman as a ute,Foley admits to being gay,etc..gonna be an interesting 5 weeks or so.
  18. That should always be close at hand.Just in case
  19. Yes,that deal with Dan Burton was teh BEST! I saved the Indy Star from '98 or so when the Lewinsky affair came out...Burton called BC a bunch of not-so-nice things..and then,no shit,just 2 weeks later the headline from same paper (which I also saved) said "Burton admits affair,child out of wedlock etc." Hypocrisy is their stock-in-trade.
  20. It is kind of reminiscent of the 'to catch a predator' thing on Stone Phillips' show.Which unfortunately plays in to the hands of the yahoos who are saying the Dems 'strongarmed' a 16-year old into being bait for Foley.
  21. Given the intense scrutiny all elected officials in Washington are always under (and the inevitability that the 'dirt diggers' will find the skeletons in someone's closet),it just seems incredibly stupid that Foley or anyone else in Congress would behave in such a manner. Gawd,is the guy so sick that he would ruin his career for this? I guess so. Too bad Foley isn't representing Texas...the irony would be just too too much.
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