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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. You dogs! I hope you enjoy yourself,and the same to your family
  2. Yeah,you rarely see that on the 'edited' versions on WGN...gotta get the DVD box! Scott
  3. I love the idea that your cool w/ both Jay AND Wilco...it would be nice if you could broker a reconciliation of sorts
  4. You may be right there...one of the reasons I became such a GD lover was because for some inexplicable reason the more times I saw them the more times I wanted to see them (at least until '92 or so). Scott
  5. Ummm....are you Jay's friend?
  6. I still do quite a bit of concertizing each year,but at some of the ticket prices these days you almost have to take out a 2nd mortgage to see some stuff Scott
  7. Got 20th row,DFC ...now is it too early for pre-show plans? Scott
  8. I only remember shit like that cause I'm insane (functionally,hopefully)
  9. I think Huntington was 4/16/78.....a wonderful Scar-Fire that night The GD ,for whatever reason weren't really too concerned with the archives during the early Brent years & it's only because of Healy that there's any significant shows that are in the Vault from then (a damn shame,as that's some really jazzy stuff ) Scott
  10. WOW...you may have somethin' there.I'm not sure I'm ready to deal with that,but it least if offers some small semblance of hope Man, November should be a crazy ride...
  11. Yeah,he was kind of a pioneer there,but as far as HQ sbds leaking out,people like him & Dick Latvala (after he hired on in '84 or so) were the reason folks like myself didn't have to suffer through poorly recorded AUD tapes of some magic shows.
  12. Healy's departure was certainly an example that all was not well in GD land.Phil's book explains some of the story but that particular incident was very depressing I thought. Healy is one of the big reasons why live "bootleg" sharing (non-profit) is so prevalent today Scott
  13. Almost impossible to believe,but David Crosby turned 65 today! Even though he may be much-maligned,the guy is one of the true icons of the sixties,and has written some of the best RXR ever.David's 1st solo LP is one of the best bong-hugging records ever made,imo Happy 65 Dave & I look forward to seeing him w/ CSNY in a coupla weeks. Scott
  14. Black t-shirt w/ cigarette pocket,black Levis,old unlaced pair of sneeks Oh wait,that's not My definition
  15. You bet,Mr. H! My 1st was in '81 as well,and after the '72-'74 period,I'd have to say that '79-'83 (or even '84) is my 2nd favorite time. Scott
  16. I agree with that! I heard that 25 years ago as a teen w/ a headfull of mescaline & it was definitely life-changing (and affirming )
  17. Have a great b'day,Sir Stewart You have a off-center view of things that is refreshing! Enjoy! Scott
  18. Not the thread topic I was expecting,although it could possibly be tied into this one.. 'You gotta fight for your right to paaaaaaarty'! Scott
  19. The reason this community is so wonderful is primarily because of people like you Eric & your family A truly special tribute...and my warmest regards to all in the Beltman clan
  20. I think we gotta remember that historically the rock-n-roll that young people listen to is supposed to piss the parents off That's priority #1. I've given up completely trying to understand some of the "crap" my kids (15,18,20) listen to....just like my folks when I started blasting out the Zep,Hendrix,Floyd,etc,all the way back in the seventies. Scott
  21. Ya gotta give a guy his due when he continually tells a joke that nobody laughs at...Say & have ya heard the one about the guy with the bee collection? Scott
  22. The happiest of birthdays,Sue! We love ya & also that fella you have boys with
  23. Few things in life that go down as smooth as an ABB jam! Enjoy & Happy Birthday
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