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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. How old is the kid? Either way, I highly doubt he'd know the great scene from the great movie The Inlaws (the original) with the exchange between Peter Falk and Alan Arkin's characters where Falk causes the patient, Mrs. Adelman, to have the gel harden in her mouth.
  2. Isn't this the second time the DC5 have been nominated? I guess they weren't inducted last go-round. Although I think the selection/criteria is obtusely subjective, I like seeing the Dave Clark Five getting recognition. They were essentially buried by The Beatles (rightly so, I might add) during the British Invasion but still put out some excellent material.
  3. I had an espn link answering to what Selig can/can't do in terms of punishment and legalities. FWIW, Mitchell has recommended to selig that no punishments be handed down as a result of the disclosures. Unrelated related link updated a few minutes ago: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3153509
  4. Mo Vaughn gets quite a bit of paperwork in the report, too. No El Guapo, though!
  5. Clemens is a big part of the report. Lots of info on him. No Pujols. No Sosa. No Nomar. No Varitek. No Trot Nixon. Pettitte, Kevin Brown and Gagne make the report, though. As do Brian Roberts, Manny Alexander, Tejada, and Brendan Donnelly.
  6. The BBPA, ownership, management, the Commissioner's Office, etc. are certainly all culpable to an extent, but the cheaters who will be exposed ultimately have no one but themselves to blame and that is where the onus deservedly should lie for the most part. To exonerate them simply because it was a wink-wink culture for a long time wouldn't be just to those players who did not use/cheat. Everyone involved had a choice to make. Not every player used.
  7. Thanks. Hornsby's a hoot. His 1998 Spirit Trail album is excellent and underrated.
  8. Clemens used steroids while pitching for the NYY, though, and not BOS. Ah.
  9. I don't think there is any confirmation yet, just reports from people who claim to have seen the report. One of these claims cites Jason Veritek on the list, as well. The list won't be made public for a couple more hours. ed. http://www.wcbs880.com/Baseball-Steroid-Re...t-Today/1325484
  10. I think Mitchell is a very good candidate for the role he was hired to do considering his resume, but MLB should have had him sever ties with the RS first, probably. Either way, I don't think the report will be biased in favor of the RS or directed towards any other particular team. Mitchell has a pretty nice reputation as it is.
  11. The word is that there will be All-Star/ MVP players named that go beyond the players already cited. Supposedly NY teams will be taking some heavy hits, with rumors that no current NYM but current NYY (besides Giambi) being named. Clemens (though not technically a current NYY), Pettitte, and Damon's names have been tossed around. There are grumblings that with Mitchell's connection to BOS that no current RS players will be fingered. I doubt it, but I won't suppose here who might be included. I highly doubt Schilling, Ortiz, Manny, or any of the big guns.
  12. I voted filet. Excellent with some garlic butter topped on it. However, flank steak/London broil is the best for marinating, and is therefore my favorite.
  13. Or one of his other supposed baker's dozen wives? Either way, a real slap in the face, no?
  14. Nathan's hot dogs are pretty damn bad. At least the ones from the store out here. I've never had one from Coney Island but I'd imagine it's the same dog. And hey, the Mets are said to be one of three teams who still have a shot at Santana.
  15. Not yet. That's kind of the last option I want to try. One problem is that I recently switched Macs. My wife took her computer when she moved out with all my iTunes on it. I haven't gotten around to switching the old library from hers to mine yet. I plugged in last night to transfer about 200 tunes or so I've downloaded onto my new computer. t asked if I wanted to switch libraries from the old one to the new one and I declined. Then, the iPod stopped displaying the songs (about 12.000 or so). However, this same thing happened a few weeks ago and the cure was fairly simple, I'm just spaci
  16. None. I've got the 80 GB but don't use anything but the music on it. Fixing (re-loading) the tunes show they show and can be displayed required ejecting the iPod a few times, I think. Just looking for the cure, man.
  17. As it seems as if caliber's question has been added, and if he doesn't mind, I've got a simple question to pose that I've posed before: My iPod is showing no tunes/songs/etc. but shows almost all GBs used up. This happened a few weeks ago and I forget (rwkgb, maybe?) who helped and their advice but it worked. Thanks.
  18. Looks like the Cubs or San Diego. Honestly, how good is the guy though? And, the Santana/BOS deal heats up again. Insiders seem to believe a deal will be made: http://insider.espn.go.com/espn/blog/index...%3dolney_buster Hey, Rickey Henderson was only good for the first 35 years of his MLB career. He wasn't much to crow about those last 15 or so.
  19. Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop gets my vote in this one. Seriously.
  20. I swear probably too often around my kids. Nothing vulgar or anything, but it's just habit when I'm in my element at home. I don't do it when teaching of course, but it's a totally different element. The kid's mother curses too around them. We can usually bite our tongue but sometimes they just slip out in casual conversation. I don't have a big problem with it. They're young enough to know not to use the words because we've told them not to. We've heard the older boys (5, 7) used mild profanity a few times before and asked them to tell us what the word means. If they can't, we tell them
  21. I've got to disagree with this. It's expected to be a huge hit and will hopefully be the catalyst to the beginning of the end of the steroids era. But we'll see.
  22. I could see doing all 5. If I had the time, plane fair, hotel, babysitter, vacation time, and extra cash for tix after the Holidays. Looks to be a great week. I'm sure it'll be a treat for all in attendance.
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