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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I finished it a few weeks ago. Very good read. Reni, if you haven't read Peace Like A River it may be up your alley. Beautifully written book. FTR, I enjoyed The Secret Life of Bees very much, too.
  2. How much do you think it might cost for the winning bid of watching Jeff craft a purse out of guitar strings in my living room for me and 29 pals? Sure, it could be a long night, perhaps even frustrating at times, but the stories we could tell our grand kids....
  3. I'd say that Crisp is a below-average hitter and an above-average fielder. He was dynamite last year in center field. He actually holds value if he stays with BOS. Splitting time with Ellsbury (who may or may not be ready for a full-time call-up) as a 4th OF would be a bonus for BOS. There are other teams interested in him (Crisp) due to the high prices of other FA (Rowand, A. Jones, etc.) CFs. It's possible Crisp goes elsewhere (not MN) and the Twins still push for Ellsbury/Lester/? for Santana. Or, that they pursue Crisp but quash any trade for Santana w/ BOS that does not include Ellsbur
  4. The Sox have said Ellsbury is off limits, but that's what they need to say. I'd imagine if they could get a good deal on Santana that had to include Ellsbury it could happen.
  5. Along with just about everything else from that show, the "Soul Singing" on that is fantastic, too. I've got the dvd of it and it's a great view, as well.
  6. I here ya, but TSAOC is the only album (actually, one of only a handful or two by any artist(s)) by them that I can listen to all the way through without the urge to skip at least a tune or two.
  7. Mitch Hedberg was a funny, funny man.
  8. I agree about the sound on Lions, but I really enjoy Three Snakes... and like By Your Side a lot, too. Three Snakes is probably my favorite album of theirs. Though, the live stuff general kicks ass over any of the studio stuff, eh?
  9. I got an email from Relix magazine today with this link to Sirius satellite radio. I don't have Sirius, but thought some of you might. The GD radio show has full live shows, of course, but of equal interest might be the programs hosted by remaining members, past interviews, contributions fron=m Gans and Lemieux, etc....: http://www.sirius.com/gratefuldead
  10. GF I= a masterpiece. GF II= an excellent film. GF III= pales in comparison to either I or II but is watchable and has it's moments. The fact that III is very weak in comparison to I and II doesn't make the trilogy weaker than the Back to the Future or Star Wars (or whatever) trilogies, though. Simply my opinion, of course. Even with the weakness that is GF III, the GF series dominates. That's how good I and II hold up.
  11. Yet you choose the Back to the Future movies as overall better films than The Godfather movies....
  12. Compared to the first two, it blows. Well, blows and sucks simultaneously.
  13. Even though Godfather III sucks, the Godfather trilogy still wins in a landslide.
  14. I've been aquiring a lot of Legion of Mary stuff and early 80s JGB. Always a big fan of that stuff. The shows were always an older crowd, too. Lots of bikers.
  15. 2 is false. Unless it's a kitty cat you're looking to birthe.
  16. "The way I make up set lists, I have a database going back to the beginning of the band," Weir says. "I pull up the last two or three shows we've played, say, in Orlando, and the tunes we played in those shows are automatically out. Then I pull up shows from the last couple weeks and those tunes are automatically out and we start working from there." How fabulously convenient to have that kind of access at your fingertips. I can agree to an extent on the personal contact being taken out a bit, but c'mon, that's not what's eatin' him.
  17. My five year old wants Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots. And he's getting them. I think that'll be a nice gift for me, too.
  18. Qdoba does the free deal with the card, too.
  19. Guns seem to be an unfortunate theme with Taylor. Hopefully it isn't serious. As a 'Skins fan this is bad news as he'll undoubtedly be on the DL longer.
  20. It's not like bookies across the country didn't take a hit on the game yesterday, though. The Eagles were surprisingly and unexpectedly very good last night. The spread may have been a little large, but I still think it was reasonable to assume it could be covered looking at the records and circumstances prior to the game.
  21. Not a surprise that NYY are in the hunt for Santana, but what three would they be willing to part with and would MIN demand Melky, probably Hughes, and...? Chamberlain? http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpag...MLB&id=2993 ed. http://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/ny-...0,2243284.story
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