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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I can agree that Boras very well may have misread the market for A-Rod, I just don't see him as reckless enough to plant this story. I also don't think the NYY are ever truly out of the picture when bidding wars are involved, A-Rod's sentiments on NY and all. In this regard, it's always possible he heads back to the NYY, I just don't think this would be a smart way to go about it for A-Rod or Boras. Who knows, though.
  2. What offers has A-rod received on the open market, though? None that I'm aware of. BOS currently has an unsigned 3B and there are other teams obviously interested in A-Rod. I also don't see why Boras would plant this in the press. It makes him look like an idiot. Boras is many things, egomaniac among them, but he's not an idiot. I don't see him as planting this story as much as I could see it coming from inside the NYY brass. I just don't see A-Rod changing his mind, canning his agent (as he surely would have to do if we are to believe the story), and accepting a pay-cut after declaring a
  3. He opted out of a huge contract because he didn't want to be there, and now we are to believe he wants to go back to the same team for less money? If he is concerned about his image how does slinking back to the NYY make him look good? And going around his agent and buddy Boras? Just seems fishy to me.
  4. There are some serious questions regarding validity of that article. I'm not saying it's false, but there are a lot of inaccuracies and claims that make no sense.
  5. I have a nickname that's just a shortened version of my last name that pals have called me since high school, but I always thought "Madge" would be a cooler nickname.
  6. I meant from offensive and defensive sides of the plate. Bad choice of words. He's a better complete player.
  7. Another close one with the votes and, yes, Braun is a hell of a hitter. I just find that disregarding Braun's foibles on defense as well as Tulowitskis excellent skills from both sides of the plate is misfortunate.
  8. It was a close one between the two as the numbers were very close in a ,ot of areas. Sabathisapitched over 40 more innings; Beckett had 20 wins though. The votes are cast before the post-season. I wonder if those 40+ innings caught up with C.C. in the post-season...? I'd imagine Beckett is more pleased with another WS ring rather than the CY. Braun getting the NL ROY has me a little miffed, though. Braun had a great season as an offensive player but was shit on the field (dead last in several defensive areas for 3B). Tulowitski had a very good offensive season (not far behind Braun in some a
  9. Someone burned the DM and TR live from Radio City for me recently and I think it's quite good.
  10. I record/Tivo all new Jeopardies. Been doing this for a little under 20 years, too.
  11. The only time I watch CSPAN is when "Book Events" is on.
  12. I realize the Saturday (and often the Friday) NYT Crossword is more difficult than the Sunday, but I get really, really excited in anticipation for the Sunday one each week. I've been doing it for about 20 years and have rarely missed a week.
  13. This is what I've heard about 5 times this a.m. trying to get the baby to nap. It's usually the go-to nap album for him. I may need to try a variation today, though: ed. I love the Todd Snider.
  14. A of of different things pop into my head when I try to think of great driving tunes as it kind of depends on the drive: distance/route/destination/company you're with/etc. There are some albums that almost always work for me, though: I'll back up Wilco's Being There, as well. Great for introspection on solo drives or sharing with a car-full of people. Meat Puppets, Up on the Sun. Simply put, an incredibly fun album: psychedelia/frazzled Country/post-punk Pop with fun lyrics and bizarrely painted images. The Feelies, The Good Earth. Great rhythms and beats that scream for the open roa
  15. I agree it's a good cover, but I still like the original better. J&MC have that ethereal tonality to a lot of their tunes that just works great on this tune.
  16. I agree on this. He really is a pretty dry guy in a lot of those interviews. To me he comes across as more of an Oldsmobile Town Car kinda guy rather than a Caddy guy.
  17. Yes. He did an early show and a late show that night and the word is it freaked him out too much (suffered from acute stage fright) being up there all by himself. So, be bagged the concept (in which he was reluctantly prodded into in the first place). I caught a few shows with him and Kahn around the same period. Very cool stuff to see.
  18. I got your well-played pun, I just wanted a chance to call you "clown," clown. ed. And I'm only a p/t smoker these day.
  19. Substitute it with a similar word or words then, clown.
  20. The pussification of American youth is real and it's disturbing. However, this has nothing to do with how annoying some people are in public. There will always be people who have little or no clue about social graces/etiquette. It's nothing new. Some folks don't dig cigarette smoke drifting towards them in public. Even as a smoker, I'm well aware of this. I am, to the extreme, conscious of the negative aspect of smoking around other people outdoors. Others don't like hearing somebody else's loud one-way conversation on cell phones. These are pet peeves, really. Everyone's got them.
  21. Just for the record, it's been pretty bitterly cold the day after Thanksgiving around here the last few years, but this 'ol boy forges ahead with the tradition.
  22. Way too many to list, but a few in particular that popped into my head today that I always get a kick out of: Butthole Surfers version of "Hurdy Gurdy Man. Dinosaur, Jr.'s version of "Feel A Whole Lot Better When You're Gone." Their version of NY's "Lotta Love," too.
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