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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Doing nothing with Bonds would be a better option? Again, MLB is culpable but continuing to ignore the problem won't resolve the issue. Of course they need to go after Bonds; he broke the record under an enormous cloud of suspicion. He helped in making himself the poster child for what's wrong with MLB. The testing is a joke, you're right. I still see the Bonds case as a step forward, though. At the minimum it's acknowledgement that there is a problem. How pathetic is it that there is a book written on the guy detailing his cheating and MLB does nothing about it? If they get him on perjury,
  2. But all you can do is assume McGwire used. Unless there is evidence to convict him of breaking rules, is it fair to point fingers on innuendo only? People have been pointing fingers at Bonds because there is evidence that he used. There's a difference. Besides, Bonds isn't being tried for using steroids, but for lying about using steroids.
  3. No. A line is drawn as to what substances can and cannot be used. Choosing to use banned and illegal substances is choosing to cross that line. The line was lax, but there was/is a line.
  4. MLB is at least moving in the right direction, finally, with the steroids issue. Yes they are culpable by turning a blind eye for so long, but at least steps are being taken to make things right. As far as I'm aware, there is no conclusive evidence if either Sosa or McGuire using illegal and banned substances, though one could make a pretty good guess that they probable did. This shouldn't t detract from what Bonds did, though.
  5. The line is choosing to use or not use illegal and banned substances. Some players crossed the line and got away with it. Bonds didn't.
  6. I disagree. It's not all tainted. And, I think there is a line to draw, and that line is conclusive evidence that a player broke rules. Not every player uses or used PEDs. Many did and got away with it. Some used and got caught. When you go against rules and get busted you should be held accountable. It's that simple. What is so bizarre about this concept to some people is beyond me. Whether or not Bonds is a likable person probably does factor into it. Would he still be guilty of breaking rules if he were a likable guy, though? Of course. Again, Barry Bonds brought this on himself. It wasn
  7. Huge amounts of mountain vibes out to you and your family lederhosen, feline and all.
  8. Pretty much. One thing Dylan's got going is having folks talk about what he "is" or "isn't" over many, many years.
  9. McGuire also didn't lie to a grand jury. His guilt shined through by basically pleading the fifth. He kept his mouth shut, and for better or worse, chose not to implicate himself by remaining silent and at least not lying. Bonds berated reporters, played the race card, etc. to anyone who had the audacity to even question him if the allegations were true. One thing that resonates with me is that Bonds had the opportunity to come clean with immunity and still chose not to. Whether or not he'd have become the all-time home run king with/without the illegal substances does not matter now. Valid
  10. No one is impressed with the picture of a bacon-slathered turducken, eh? Fine. As far as I'm concerned, it could be the centerfold for a mag you'd find under the matress of a meat lover with little restraint.
  11. Is the rule about failing a test or using the substances? It's documented that he used illegal/banned substances. It's now apparent that he lied about it by saying he didn't use illegal substances while under oath.
  12. I kind of agree with this, except that the HOF in Cooperstown is really a museum of sorts. Plus, acceptance into the HOF does matter to the players (at least I've never heard a MLB'er past or present pan it).
  13. Why? Pete Rose agreed to a life-time ban from baseball because he is guilty of breaking a rule that threatens the integrity of the game. It doesn't mean an asterisk gets put by his name or anything or that he didn't hit those hits. It means he's banned from baseball.
  14. Actually, the fact that PEDs/HGH/Steroids/etc. were banned in 1992/93 should be enough warning. Rose will never be in the HOF and deservedly so. If Bonds is proven guilty, he doesn't deserve to be either. It's amazing to me how easily people want to dismiss those that treat the game as though they are above it. The "everybody was doing it" rule works well for 5 year olds. Not so well for adults. The guy broke the rules, got caught, and should now be punished.
  15. I did not know that. Of greater import is this picture of the bacon barded turducken, though: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Turducken.jpg
  16. I'm pretty sure that's what he uses. I would have burned his house down and fled. I'm not getting the Madden connection.
  17. Although I've never had turducken, one of my brothers has done one a few times and always crows about it. How could this be a bad thing? It's got turkey, duck, and chicken all in one. Dare to dream, I know, but I need to do one of these before I die. Another brother deep-fries a turkey every year. I have had it and it's always amazing. You can get some great flavors into/out of the bird depending on what kind of oil you fry it in.
  18. I cooked close to a 29 lb. bird last Sunday and have been eating leftovers all week. I won't be let down come Thanksgiving, though, as someone else is cooking another bird. I usually use an oven bag when I cook a turkey. It cuts down on cooking time and always keeps the bird moist. The on;y drawback is it doesn't leave the brown cook-off in the bottom of the pan that is grwat for cscraping when doing the gravy. You can still do a nice gravy with the juices from the bag, but the little brown scrapings aren't there.
  19. Honestly, I enjoy all the eras. I find nuggets in '95 as well as '67. There's so much latitute with the music. I don't know why anyone would want to pigeonhole themselves (not that you are) with the band. I listened to a great "Visions" on the way to work today from Salt Lake City '95 followed by an acoustic Big Railroad Blues from '69 or '70. Both excellent in their own realm. Brent was in about 6 mo. at the point of the fall '79 toyur, yes. I was listening to his first show a few nights ago (I think it was 4-22-79 or thereabouts) and he really comes out of the gate strong.
  20. Isn't on what, the new Road Trip stuff? I've always had really good quality analog of these shows, too.
  21. Those Cape Cod (S. Yarmouth) shows are some of my favorite Brent stuff.
  22. Jake Peavy got tagged with the wrong day to unanimously receive the CY award, I guess. Too bad, he had a great year.
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