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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Well, it may damage his free agency value just a little if he's facing jail time. Besides that....
  2. I tend to think it's more than public "opinion" when a book with direct quotes, ledgers, etc. all point to the fact that he was using illegal substances. When questioned and given a chance to rebut the claims, he lied. He even lied to a grand jury, apparently. If he was convicted by the media and public opinion it looks as though it was just conviction. From what I gather the federal government doesn't indict someone without foolproof evidence. I guess I don't understand the desire (not necessarily you, Porkchop) to continuously back someone so full of shit that the federal government takes
  3. Actually just the perjury part. Apparently he had immunity when testifying as long as he was telling the truth. Can't lie to a grand jury, I guess.
  4. I really doubt that BOS takes on Lowell for 4 years. Per the Bond's thing: It would have been nice to have the charges filed last spring, but better late than never I suppose. I hope this ends in putting to bed the apologists. I realize some people simply don't care whether he used/lied about using/etc. but hopefully this will serve as affirmation that it does matter. Smoking Gun has the documents, if anyone cares: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years...5072bonds1.html
  5. Yes, Denver. They've done shows there for NYE the last few years and always have decent/great guest musicians join in and usually really good opening acts. I may catch the night or two before NYE just because it's a drag getting a cab and dealing with crowds on NYE.
  6. I may do Yonder Mountain at the Fillmore. Most likely, I'll be home sipping something by the fire, though.
  7. Will he end it or will they end it? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!! Larry is like the bowl of leftovers in the 'fridge that everyone knows is moldy and no longer any good but nobody makes the move to throw it out.
  8. I've heard/read nothing but good things about the movie. My 7 yr. old went with a buddy and hid buddy's mom to see it 2 weeks ago and she said that most of the jokes flew over the kids' heads but that she thought it was a good movie. Assuming Seinfeld is an egomaniac and was genuinely offended by King's numbskullery, is it really surprising to anyone? He had 75 MILLION VIEWERS, LARRY!
  9. Yes. Somewhere around $11-13mm./yr I believe.
  10. Could happen, except that Lowell has never played first base before and has stated he doesn't want to play first base. Lowell's looking for a 4-yr. contract at around $14 mm. per. I don't think the Sox want to do that so if he doesn't get re-signed by BOS I could see any of the other three teams showing overt interest to be more of a reasonable place for him to land than NY.
  11. Looks like Gene pretty much nailed it. It's nice to see him come out of his shell a bit, too, and pat himself on the back for once.
  12. Just want to add thanks to those who put forth effort. It's a great site and it'd be fantastic if this goes through. If I can help in any capacity down the line I'll gladly do so.
  13. Talk of 10/$280 w/ incentives to possibly push it over $300 M.: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/base...guez/index.html
  14. Pretty funny, actually. Larry King is notorious for not doing any research for interviews and being clueless.
  15. That's the rub right there. It doesn't add up.
  16. How can Boras not have his tentacles on this in some way, though?
  17. Which wouldn't be a pay cut but is substantially less than he/Boras thought he could get after opting out.
  18. Depends. Obviously a pay cut is going to happen (he's already forfeited $90 m. by opting out) and I'm assuming no offers from other teams matched what he/Boras thinks he can get from the NYY. I'm assuming he's looking for longevity in his contract, too.
  19. Yeah, A-rod comes off looking a bit crazy in the whole thing, doesn't he? We'll have to wait and see what kind of $$ is offered, though. A-rod/Boras? might come out close to where they wanted to be originally. Not $350 m/10-yr close, but close.
  20. Official statement: http://arod.mlb.com/players/rodriguez_alex...sp?story=111407
  21. I caught them last spring a few shows into their live reformation and enjoyed it. They maybe lost a little step here and there but Curt and Cris can still play very well. Well worth catching live still. The album is tepid, at best though. PaulB: here's a link to a site that Bostrom links to from his site (i may have sent this your way a year or so ago...?) but it's got a few recent shows on their to listen to/download, as well as some spectacular MPs in their prime: http://www.wohlers.org/puppets/
  22. Here's an article by BP's Joe Sheehan that states my point on the NL ROY more succinctly than I was able to: http://www.baseballprospectus.com/article.php?articleid=6925
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