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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. And the success of Bedford Falls' Builing & Loan.
  2. You sure they're not honking for you to get the hell out of the street? Usually, the obnoxious drive-by honk is related to the person in the car thinking "Hey! Check out that sexy thing out jogging! If I beep the horn, he/she'll know that on my brief drive by him/her I thought they were hot looking."
  3. A couple we're friends with who have 3 young kids have told them from the get-go that when they hear the music of the ice cream truck it means they're all out of ice cream. Kids are very malleable.
  4. No neglect here for Gossage. The man deserves to be enshrined. Another guy who would routinely pitch the last two innings of the game and who was as effective on the mound as both Bruce Sutter and Dennis Eckersley. It could be argued moreso, even. It's hard for relievers to get into the Hall, obviously, but Gossage at his peak was as good as it gets for a closer/reliever.
  5. I believe it would be correct only if there was one condo for sale: "Condo is (Condo's) for sale." Anyway, another pet peeve: People with the hyphenated last name when they get married. What happens when the offspring get married and do the same thing? And then their kids do it, too? See where I'm going with this? Keep your given last name or take the dude's name, but stop created tongue-twisters for the rest of us because you can't decide or you want to retain some sense of self by clinging to your last name or whatever. If nothing else, think about the damn kids. Well, hopefully that
  6. I really appreciate how he takes a non-p.c. approach to his analysis in the Abstracts. If a player sucks, in his opinion and backed by his analysis/numbers/etc., he has no qualms calling the player out. One of his biggest peeves is veteran players who are kept around because of past results; if he sees a pattern of significant decline that may be missed due to mis-interpreted stats by most observers, he'll lay into the player/G.M./owner/manager.
  7. Oh. In that case, you're correct. She offers absolutely nothing.
  8. I didn't see it (I would like to, if you can remember what channel) but I'm currently reading a book on Bill James (The Mind of Bill James, by Scott gray) that is pretty intriqueing. It goes a lot deeper into explaining the use of numbers in an untraditional sense (though I'd posit that it's really becoming more the 'tradition' these days). It's pretty interesting to see how the numbers should be viewed in context and not simply as raw data (for most stats, at least). I've never been an overly stat-oriented fan of the game but the insights into how to truly gauge a player's input is fascinatin
  9. There is a reason, though. In fact, several reasons. She's a filthy rich (1) tramp (2)that's not too bad looking(3).
  10. He's on one of my two fantasy teams, as well. I was getting a bit nervous there for awhile. He's been a key to my one team's recent (slight) surge of late, though.
  11. Yeah, they've had a great offensive July thus far. Chipper Jones is on fire, as is the call-up, Thorman. With the trade deadline looming it'll be interesting to see if they can pick up some solid bullpen help.
  12. I didn't say you weren't interested in other teams besides the Marlins. I was referencing myself and other people who are fans of teams not called the Marlins. I have many posts that do not include reference to the Sox or Yankees. Either you have me confused with someone else or you're fixated on your dislike for the A.L. East frontrunners. So you're sick of hearing about the Yankees and Red Sox and their storied history together? So what. I'd agree that it's blown out of proportion by the media and that, for me, has lost a lot of it's lustre since the 2004 season. This doesn't change the
  13. I was responding directly to a post concerning this particular game. Sorry, the question didn't involve those amazing Marlins. That's not my fault. Nor is being avidly interested in any other team not called the Marlins.. Maybe you should have just skipped the post when you saw the dreaded words "Yankees" or "Red Sox." None of this changes the fact that it was at once the greatest comeback and greatest choke in MLB history.
  14. This was game 4 of the ALCS and Roberts was pinch running for Kevin Millar, who had drawn a walk off of Rivera. Everyone in the building knew he was going to try and steal second and Rivera tossed over to first 3-4 times to check Roberts. Roberts took off after the 3rd or fourth check and just barely made it to second under Jeter's glove. This, of course, was the turning point for the greatest comeback in MLB history, and adversely, the beginning of the greatest choke in MLB history. This will unlikely ever change. That all said, it's undeniable that he's the greatest closer the game has see
  15. MB: sounds like a great time. Sless really got his foot in the door/"name" with his pedal steel skills. He's quite the master of the instrument and I personally really dig the input from him on the pedal steel. I'm into Buddy Cage's work, too. Do you think he's getting buried in the mix or do you wish he was strummin' a 6-string? I'm not sure if I've ever seen/heard Sless playing guitar (though I know he does). Unfortunately, as the tour looks to wrap up in a few days, there's been no addition to it (re: Red Rocks) as of yet. Last year around this time P&F played one night at the Fil
  16. Bicycle riders who (rightly so, but still...) expect me in my car to share the road with them but do not want to obey traffic light/stop sign laws like a car is expected to. That, and running out of room in the back yard to bury the bodies. That really rustles my feathers.
  17. Now that it's off the ground a bit, this topic might best be served in the Greatest Lost Track of All Time forum, where folks go to trade, eh?
  18. I'm all over this, too. I've tried doing BTs on several occasions and think I almost have it (it's on my computer, but I can't open it properly) and am frustrated with it (even though it's the best quality). Count me in.
  19. OPS is a great way to measure production. Bill James goes into great detail about the context of statistics (how we, as fans, should look at the circumstances surrounding the numbers to truly understand PVR) and the many, many factors that need to be considered. Without turning this into a Bill James clusterfuck, he does a great job of explaining how variables such as home park dimensions, batting order, pitchers faced, etc., etc. all need to be considered to ultimately grasp a player's value. As most of us neither have the time nor the desire to do this (thankfully, that's Bill James and
  20. Yes, a very good record. I started re-listening to this about a month ago. I had kind of forgotten how much I dig the JAMC.
  21. Lammycat

    Top 5

    Precisely. Though I'd substitute "Inebriated bare-assed water-balloon fight" in lieu of #3.
  22. Lammycat

    Top 5

    Actual 5-day forecast according to The Rocky Mountain News: 1. 102 (today) 2. 103 3. 101 4. 99 5. 97 I'm eagerly anticipating the cool-weather spell expected for Wednesday.
  23. If the season were to end in 2 weeks, sure. But really, the Yankees are only 5-6 games behind WSox in wins/percentage. We've still got 45% or so of the season to play, eh? Don't get me wrong, I abhor the Yankees with an unhealthy passion and wish them absolutely no forward progress the remainder of the season, I just believe that a lot can happen in a little less than half a season.
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