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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Flying Dog Tire Bite Golden Ale. After a nice bike ride in the rain with my 6 yr. old on which we saw the largest and brightest complete rainbow I've ever seen. And a ball game.
  2. Glenn looks a helluva lot taller when he's behind the kit. I never realized....
  3. Very cool. I like how the kids did an apparent wardrobe change between pics. Very professional.
  4. My kids are very excited to see JT at the Folk's Fest in 2 weeks. It'll be a blast, as it's pretty family-friendly and a very, very laid back vibe.
  5. FWIW, I just finished reading Mnookin's book Feeding The Monster last night. He had all-access to the Red Sox last year and the book details the inner workings of the triad that makes up the ownership team, as well as Theo Epstein and Bill James' impact, and their drive to produce the results of the 2004 season. It's speckled with some pretty decent analysis/coverage of player turmoil (Nomar/Manny/Millar, etc.) preceding and following the championship season. The turmoil both in the clubhouse and FO that came to an exhaustive end last year with Theo resigning and the players pretty much demor
  6. I agree with this overall. I look at it as which player, if I had to choose one, would I most want in the batter's box with the game on the line.
  7. I initially posted it taking it at face-value, but I'm thinking it is referring to a single player on a single team with game-ending hits for a win?
  8. Let me clarify: I read this in today's Rocky Mountain News (in which the short piece apparently is not available on-line, as it is a brief aside on the front page of today's Sports page and not an actual article). This is a direct quote. Big Hitter In four seasons, David Ortiz, above, has delivered the game-ending hit for the Red Sox 15 times, the most in the majors in that time. The breakdown by teams: Angels: Three times (homerun in 2004 in the playoffs; home run in 2005; single in 2006). Yankees: Three times (double in 2003; home run and single in 2004 in the playoffs). Blue Jays:
  9. Correct. As first stated, game-ending. I forgot to add the Angels with the Yankees as a team with 3 game-ending hits the past four seasons.
  10. In the past 4 seasons, Ortiz has produced the game-ending hit (not necessarily home run) 15 times. The next closest team to do so is the Yankees, doing so 3 times the past 4 seasons, followed by the Blue Jays, Orioles, and Phillies doing so twice. Now, I realize the pronounciation of player's names is certainly relevant, and is worthy of much debate and intrigue, but what's the beef with tossing out some stats to back opinionated discussions? It's amb-i-ur-iks.
  11. Alex Gonzalez hitting a walk-off to end a game in the WS is a great feat. But I wouldn't call him a "clutch" hitter as it happened a total of one time. Pitchers fear Manny, of course, but it's irrational to think pitchers consider Ortiz an easier out. Ortiz is doing things in game-winning situations on a regular basis. This is what makes him among (if not the) the best clutch hitters to ever swing a bat. Ortiz is currently as dominant and feared in the batter's box as any other hitter to play the game. It ain't hype if it's legitimate.
  12. I'm all for raising the minimum wage a bit to reflect cost of living expectations and if I have to donate a very small portion of my pay-check to keep the people who are doing all the menial tasks I don't want to/have to do happy, so be it. While some people are truly victims of circumstance, a lot of folks lack ambition to strive for attaining financial comfort and beyond. For these people, they are content in surviving pay-check-to pay-check. This doesn't mean they should not be fairly compensated for their jobs, though. I give them credit for working and trying instead of looking for hand
  13. I admittedly don't have a hell of a lot to add to the conversation, but facts about the minimum wage increase from the Economic Policy Institute (a non-partisan think-tank of economists with often varied views) debunk some of the concerns brought up in this thread. I was most surprised by the amount of adults who would be positively affected by the increase, and by the fact that a wage increase is long overdue. I've highlighted some points I found particularly revealing: From the link: http://www.epi.org/content.cfm/issueguides...ge_minwagefacts A minimum wage increase would raise the wa
  14. The word "nigger" did not have negative/derogatory implications or meaning originally, either. The root word being "Niger," and being Latin for "black." The word was acceptable in print and speech as synonymous with Africanners/ African-Americans and was not considered hateful. It obviously evolved into a nasty connotation to describe someone, though. This happens to words occasionally with time, of course, and it happened with "tar baby." As a politician/public speaker he should have selected his words more wisely.
  15. You clearly are missing the postal neighbor's use of the euphemism "mail" for "pants."
  16. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. 'Give me five bees for a quarter,' you
  17. Heh, my first show was one year previous at the same venue. I was at the '82 show, as well (though the JGB w/ Weir opening at NH Coliseum a few months earlier sticks out in my head moreso). I've met a lot of my closest friends through the years solely because of our mutual and initial interests in the Dead. I would not have met my wife were it not for the scene, as well. The testament to the endurance and impact of the music, for me, is that it's still played often in the company I keep, as well as through a lot of the live music I see. The memories surrounding the man and the band are d
  18. With Manny on deck? Maybe Manny doesn't hit the walk-off, but he's a good bet to at least drive in the runners on 1st and 2nd. I'd say the pooch was screwed once Cora and Youklis got their bases.
  19. It's amazing that I pretty much expect it now from him. No need for the current best closer in the game tonight, either....
  20. I usually feel like a man when I use my penis to have sex with a female. Sometimes I feel like a pest, too, though.
  21. Ah. That's a neat lil' trick there.
  22. Was a press conference really needed for this?
  23. Cripers. And all this stemmed from stating he was the currently the best closer? Nobody claimed he was the second-coming of closer Jesus. Anyway, how about that Dessens for Perez deal?
  24. Oops. I was typing while ction was typing, I guess. If this for "reals" I'll delete....
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