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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. the only rock magazine that's interested me in the last decade was No Depression, and even that's gone down hill.
  2. There are few ball players (Al Leiter) that I've ever hated as much as Schilling.
  3. I made it through page two. no way I'm going through 25 clicks. their webfolk need to get a grip.
  4. I'm pretty sure it was one person, who is back doing the same thing.
  5. "it doesn't bother me at all but I'm going to keep posting about it." yeah, ok, dude.
  6. jesus dude. if it bothers you that much quit the board.
  7. I don't play any instruments. Does anyone want my CDs?
  8. Hannah Montana & her fans have a much better chance of changing the system than wilco and its fans.
  9. I'll give you this Nels > Ticketmaster
  10. there are also other things to do than post on a message board, worrying about what others are complaining about. It kind of gets like holding two mirrors up to one another,.
  11. I have to say that the Bon Iver album blows me away. Thanks for bringing that album to the forefront here Solace. I don't think I'd ever come across that on my own. That was a good VC holiday present this season.
  12. Being Christmas time I'm kind of broke, so I'd like to. Where do I sign up?
  13. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/law/12/14/vick....=rss_topstories
  14. penalty-wise? a piss load of guys would be sitting out for a long time. In a sport like baseball where there is more skill involved it could serve as a real deterrent, though a guy on the bubble would likely still take the risk to make a team. Nothing is likely to put the Genie back in the bottle. maybe, though they were looking into everything from what I heard and interviewing players about other players and checks given to clubhouse guys. a lot of tangled webs and the opportunity to prepare what they wanted to say even if it was about steroids probably should have been afforded.
  15. and with no prior knowledge as to what would be discussed or what Mitchel knew there was absolutely no impetus to go against the wishes of the union.
  16. Very few players listed would meet with Mitchel. The way it's been explained is that they would call you, but not give you any heads up on what they had or why they wanted to talk to you in advance. Under those circumstances one can't really blame anyone for telling the guy to go scratch.
  17. Reigniting my small house lust.
  18. The presumption made by some that there is some magic date that suddenly signaled in the steroid era is assinine. Clemens could have easily been on these things for far longer than is being said. They've been rampant in athletics since the early 80s. Not only is Clemens not different than Bonds, nor is any person on that list, despite their relative inability to achieve the same lofty goals. Bonds is still going to jail for being a dumbass though. Now they need a real testing system with real penalities and the 'steroid era' can be over.
  19. if you said great you save bar girls for everyone
  20. sorry to bother you. I deleted the post. carry on.
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