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Everything posted by chanman1128

  1. Just got back from 'Ballast'. I really did like it, the more I think about it the more I liked it, and it was really well done. I would recommend it, although I thought some parts dragged. Very original.
  2. Movies i have seen this year: The Wrestler>The Visitor>Milk>Doubt>The Reader>Revolutionary Road>Ben Button Did not like these but... Slumdog Millionaire>Gran Torino Hated Synecdoche New York with a passion Seeing 'Ballast' tonight Dark Knight Sucked
  3. Maybe I just don't like fairy tales... I really liked DOUBT too.
  4. I just saw 'The Wrestler' and thought it was unbelievable. Great movie...I have yet to see Penn in Milk, but Mickey Rourke should seriously be considered for an Oscar here. I have also recently seen Slumdog Millionaire and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and think that both of these are grossly overrated. I liked Curious Case....just very long and somewhat boring. I don't see the fuss in Slumdog, a bit ridiculous and over the top.
  5. this should be a poll... add another for Harvest Moon
  6. this is a great cover of the new song 'my girls'
  7. Yea I watched it. I totally agree. Everything wrapped up way too easy and way too fast. I feel like they cut three episodes to smush everything into the finale. And how easy was it for Dex to get away from the skinner??? It was like he was not even a real villain. And Ramon just had to be sober to stop being irrational. Everything was way to easy. The storyline I liked was with Deb possibly finding out about Dexter's history, about his real mom and Harry. However it seems we will have to wait til next season to see how that all plays out. Good season, not as good as the first two. F
  8. I feel like Swimming Hour has to be up there, just because of 11:11.....such an unbelievable song, better than anything off Noble Beast!!!!!!
  9. Water Curses is not really mind-blowing...and could be difficult to get into, I personally love Street Flash and Cobwebs, as well as the title track, but I think if you are interested in really getting into them, you have to take your time and sit down with 'Feels'...I really think it is their best and probably their most rewarding when you 'get it'....gl hf
  10. I hope something clicks...but I have listened to it a lot, pretty much none stop, and it just is not doing it for me so far.
  11. I feel like Privateers sounds extremely like a Coldplay song....even the way he sings it...just doesn't sound right. Overall this CD is a pretty big letdown for me. Besides Anonanimal and Effigy...there is not much here. Tenuousness (aka Flight of the Conchords B-Side track), Nomenclature, and Natural Disaster are pretty good, I just feel like they have all been done before. Don't really like Souverian...."if you join our chorus....here comes the chorus.." just kind of weird/lame. I like it more towards the end.
  12. kind of sounds like it though. I assume you have not heard Feels
  13. ouo makes no sense and it pisses me off that it is a separate track. There is no way this is better than his previous two. ANonanimal is very good, standout track, but even the 'clever' play on words gets a little redundant. ANd the more I listen to it, the more I hate 'not a robot...'. It is like a bad radiohead song or something. Effigy is a great song.
  14. Yeah Anonanimal is clearly a great track. I can't stand 'not a robot'. I really like effigy through nomenclature cant wait to get more into this album
  15. I got mine off of stmusic.org....it should be up on demonoid soon...cant believe it isnt yet.
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