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Everything posted by chanman1128

  1. excuse my language, but i swear that in that part of My Girls I hear them sing "I'm gonna fuck this bitch" over and over again. I am probably wrong. Sick mind.
  2. Just listened to the two leaked songs. Brothersport was great on first listen, i am amazed. Really like it. My Girls was also really good, and I feel bad for dling the two songs, but I am going to buy the cd when it comes out.
  3. anything opposite of 'on and on and on' and 'what light'....i cant stand anymore of that lame stuff.
  4. This and Animal Collective on same day....how exciting.... probably a little more excited for AC.....you?
  5. Thanks, yea, I am 21, have seen Wilco a bunch of times, I am real excited.
  6. If you had to put a number on it, what would you say the average age of the crowd was? I am totally just wondering, I have never been to a Neil show before, I am going in December.
  7. One of my favorite shows ever, I thought season 3 was great, loved the last 3 or 4 episodes...Season 4 was a little shaky, but overall was decent. Season 5 was okay, the last episode was amazing. I loved the first and second seasons of Dexter, but the third season is not doing much for me...something needs to happen quick.
  8. Have not read the whole thread... Let me come home - Wilco It makes no difference - The Band Exit Music (For a Film) - Radiohead Obviously a lot of Elliott Smith.
  9. Quick thing: Pixies - U-mass there is no way that should be on the list. Ween - Dr. Rock If this, then you have to name a lot more ween songs.
  10. I know it is easy to complain about this lists, but if i am correct, I see no Beatles songs on here...a little ridiculous.
  11. awesome obama....mass also decriminalized marijuana. Good day to be a pot smoking democrat.
  12. with cnn checking off ohio, you can give it to OBAMA.
  13. It is not likely, but it is possible, polling is messed up.... like i said before I have Kerry + IA, NM, and CO...McCain will take most of the swing states... I really think Pennsylvania is the key state...I am thinking its way closer than we think. And I can't trust anything about FL....already 1600 voter complaint calls into CNN from there http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/voter.hotline/ I can't believe all the fucking problems...getting votes counted should be the last thing we should worry about in this country...its fucking preposterous. Really irresponsible. Ergh
  14. Word, hopefully I am wrong. I can't get my hopes up though.
  15. I know, but I am saying they are not really undecideds, they just don't want to admit that they can't vote for an African American.
  16. Margin of Error is always 3-4 percent, and all those undecideds are voting McCain. Bradley effect most likely is bullshit, but it could have been the answer to NH not voting for him (in the primaries) after the polls gave him a clear advantage.
  17. Word, I really hope you are right...I am just a little skeptical of polls, and I tend to be pessimistic when I care a lot about something, that said, I still think he is going to pull out the win. Can't wait for tomorrow.
  18. I have said, and heard from various people from the beginning, that Obama will need to be ahead by at LEAST 5-7 percent in the polls to pull out a win...based on many things....and one can not count out the Bradley Effect....too many scary things....I am nervous.
  19. 273 - 265 OBAMA This is going to be a very close race, much closer than people think Obama will lose Florida and Ohio because of all those "undecideds" that can't vote for a black guy Virginia will surprise everyone and vote McCain Colorado and New Mexico will be blue. Pennsylvania is really the key state, after being much closer than expected....scaring everyone until the last vote...Obama takes it. Edit to say: Obama will be way ahead in the popular vote.
  20. Now that we are comparing, when I first heard the one from the 26th I thought it sounded like a mix of Either Way and "Looks Like Rain" - by Grateful Dead
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