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Everything posted by jdmel

  1. I crap exclusively while reading rolling stone because then if i run out of toilet paper im still good.
  2. theyll be the main band in the review section with that cool little art thing in may for sure.
  3. jdmel

    Sky Blue Sky

    in a weird way it may be the best wilco album, but that being said its still not yhf, i dont know if that makes sense to anyone else?? does anyone else think impossible germany needed a strings section, maybe have nels battling it out with his solo at the end???
  4. the hopefully not business stems from whos on the cover this month... fall out boy.
  5. Anyone think the boys will ever grace the cover??? if so, when? Sorry as much as I love it I needed to discuss something other then Sky Blue Sky...
  6. i loved it at first btu was still worried it was the wilco obsession talking but you are my face might be my new favorite wilco song... but yea it takes a few listens through to spot everyone and thats awesome, always finding something new
  7. i think if hate it here is on the album, thanks i got should have been too, especially since they went and played it on Conan... there was definitely a place for it, maybe itll be on a single or something.
  8. thats my friend jennys number..
  9. yea the lyrics on you are my face... the door screams i hate you. hate you hanging around my blue jeans
  10. ive been waiting to see this forever, insanity.
  11. wiener's circle... yakzies (wings).. blackies (GOOD quality burger)... athenian room (greek food)
  12. damn im making my first journey across the pond a little bit too early next month, atleast i get to see bright eyes?? weak in comparison... i dont care about u chicago bashers either i hope we get a homestand, a true homestand, at the vic.
  13. yea lets say it again: Nels solo on you are my face... holy shit
  14. i had the same thought, wilco is a new band with nels on a record WOW
  15. awesome, this makes up for the roller coaster day of going crazy over this stuff i love that walken evolved into that over the last couple years thats INCREDIBLE, i love hearing a song u know for the first time. magical.
  16. jdmel

    First Listen

    im giving in to being an addict, who else is staying up tonight? lol
  17. a lot of people i know... who are not coincidentally morons... hear hummingbird and think its a mccartney song they just, somehow, missed out on... so i stole that one from my idiot friends.
  18. Paul McCartney doing hummingbird.
  19. jdmel

    First Listen

    im in class checking the boards every half hour or so waiting for that "it leaked" post... wow i cant wait, so excited. everything sounds great... especially the john wesley harding references
  20. sorry i just noticed there were some issues with people posting this before?? sorry if that was a no-no, just thought since it was on an "official" source it wasnt a big deal..
  21. Sorry if this is already circulating... just saw it on highroadtouring.
  22. i didnt mean to be sarcastic, i just thought it was interesting and got a bunch of answers about jenny lewis' rack... dont get me wrong, i like where it went, but the whole inside joke on the forums things gets old when its just everyone trying to make a joke and no one answering the questions or engaging in the discussion, its happening more and more
  23. you are all bastards. i thought im the man who loves you was about your mom, oooo got 'em..
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