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Everything posted by dondoboy

  1. Alright, I did it. If only to see the other contenders.
  2. Oh, I'm not disagreeing with you at all.
  3. Oh boy, that could be a whole thread.
  4. I think most of those guys (Green River,Alice in Chains, Mother Love Bone, Pearl Jam, Mudhoney, Tad, Soundgarden) have acknowledged their debt to metal. I've always thought there was a metal streak there. Nirvana(or Cobain at least) always tried to distance himself from it, but its there. Maybe not their allegiance to Megadeath, but certainly Sabbath.
  5. I really don't know why I'm defending Limbaugh so fervently, I suppose its in the hope that his listeners aren't THAT stupid. At the end of the day the Fairness Doctrine is absolute crap. Limbaugh's television show didn't last. So television is the liberal realm of media and AM radio is the conservative realm of media. That seems fair enough. FM radio is just crap.
  6. I agree. I always thought that guy had such great range as a guitar player that he could do what ever he wanted. Holding on to the name "Alice in Chains" probably commands a few more bucks, but he should have all the money he needs. I always kind of wanted him to team up with Mark Lanegan or someone with that gravitas to their voice.
  7. Here's the worst part. Everyone (well, everyone I know or love) already thought A-Rod wad an A-Hole, but there's a certain girl who lives in my house who, when told both Pudge and Mags were juicin', is going to forbid baseball in said house. Which means I'll have to go to the bar to watch, which means I become a drunk and probably lose the girl.
  8. "The chimp, who was known to walk around town, sometimes without a leash, also liked to surf on the Internet and was able to change the TV channel with a remote, according to a Stamford Advocate article. The paper also reported that Travis watered plants, was able to feed hay to his owner's horses, ate at a table with the rest of the family and sometimes drank wine from a stemmed glass." WTF! Its like a wild animal mixed with Dudley Moore!
  9. One other thing, now that I read this post. Parts for MIM Tele's are very easy to come by. Most independent music stores (if you can find one) can drum them up. Even guitar center has helped in the past. And they are so simple to work on.
  10. I've had one for a little over ten years and I couldn't be happier with it. I really have zero complaints about it. For all I've put it through, its paid for itself ten times over.
  11. Every time I try to think about it in a reasonable way I remember that its just a huge, interwoven mess. He got faster this year, yet this guy threw faster. Ugh. I went looking for some good old fashioned baseball fun in Sporting News and they predict the Tigers to be last in the Central. I can't win here.
  12. Wow! There's nothing subtle about that. Its one thing to prepare for the future, but oh brother.
  13. Yeah, I thought about that too. What about base steals? Has anyone researched big spikes in stolen bases from one year to the next?
  14. I think they just picked anybody to pick on whose numbers were not the greatest.
  15. Turns Out Craig Counsell Was Actually Best Baseball Player Of Steroid Era NEW YORK
  16. You don't mean Pudge, do you? That might break my heart.
  17. I'm just glad it wasn't me this time.
  18. Did the cousin take 'em too? What does he do for a living? I mean, besides smuggling dope.
  19. Right?! When you're young and stupid you drink whiskey, smoke too much pot and shit yer pants 'cause the two don't mix well. Its usually with your cousin though.
  20. Did you see the size of that chimp?! That's not a pet, that's a roommate. There's a lady outside of work who always asks if I want to buy her lion. I just thought she was crazy, but maybe she has one. Or its some slang I'm unaware of.
  21. "Well, when you're young and stupid you're young and stupid". Well put Nim Rod.
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