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Everything posted by dondoboy

  1. What freaks me out a little bit more is the tons of people who do similar things except in twins or triplets that you don't hear about.
  2. This is crazy. Octuplets' mom: 'All I ever wanted' LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- The mother of octuplets, whose story has sparked controversy around the world, rejects suggestions that she may not be able to care adequately for all 14 of her children and that her decisions have been selfish. Nadya Suleman, speaking to NBC, said of her 14 children: "I'll stop my life for them." "I'm providing myself to my children," Nadya Suleman told NBC in her first interview. "I'm loving them unconditionally, accepting them unconditionally, everything I do. I'll stop my life for them and be pres
  3. Over 1/2 million jobs gone
  4. The lawmakers of Hawaii don't believe in creeds, I guess. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
  5. This is really a response to a Spam shortage on the islands.
  6. Yeah, I see what you're getting at. I guess the only thing standing in the way of this being the norm in all fields would be the minimum wage. Its pretty scary.
  7. This really isn't a new concept, just a different venue. This is how it works in construction, roofing, highway projects, etc.
  8. That guy is always on the best-sellers list
  9. A Confederacy Of Dunces- J. Kennedy Toole Catcher in the Rye-Salinger On the Road-Kerouac The Power of Myth-Joseph Campbell And for pure stupid fun: Hammer of the Gods The Led Zeppelin Saga-Richard Cole
  10. Paul Westerberg's tone on "Pleased To Meet Me" is pretty awesome.
  11. I always liked the sound Jimmy Page got from bowing his guitar. "Dazed and Confused, "How Many More Times", ...
  12. When you get the headaches, do you hear this? Rockwell
  13. Not to get all 9th grade civics on ya, but I'd put ya somewhere on the top
  14. 'All Is Golden' for Wilco's Mikael Jorgensen Written by Mike Greenhaus Friday, 30 January 2009 While Wilco works on its latest CD, longtime keyboardist Mikael Jorgensen has prepared the latest album for his band Pronto. Scheduled to hit scores on March 10, All Is Golden is described as
  15. If it weren't for "Box Full of Letters" being played on the college radio station my girlfriend had blasting in the background at her job cleaning out animal cages at the local vet's place I may never had learned the pure joy of Wilco, Son Volt, or (in reverse) Uncle Tupelo and consequently have never found this board or thread or all you good people to hoist this massive run-on sentence upon. Yeah, I love that record.
  16. Of course, it may be a surefire way of not having to hear anymore of it also.
  17. Richey James Edwards-Manic Street Preachers maybe Cat Stevens?
  18. Here's the other one second miller ads High Life!
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