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Everything posted by dondoboy

  1. Does anyone remember this! I just found this again. Someone mentioned it this morning on local sports radio.
  2. This is one of the main reasons I dislike interleague play. AL pitchers should only have to humiliate themselves once a year. At the end. Of course interleague does allow fans to see a few more teams, so I guess that's good.
  3. "Bring your own lampshade, somewhere there's a party" The Replacements (Paul Westerberg)
  4. Here's the Metro Times Story/Obituary
  5. Looks like Mayer is up to something new!
  6. I don't think he can stop making records. Or I hope he doesn't at least. Its good to take a break. And the rest of the band are incredible musicians even without his leadership. Maybe they'll stay together on their own.
  7. I've enjoyed reading this exchange, but this quote is absurd. It not only matters how fast they are, but what they do, and how well they do it, to insure not only they, but the runner behind them, reaches base. Maybe there's a stat for that, I don't know.
  8. Great band, can't wait for 'em to come around again.
  9. It gives me chills when I listen to it. Great way to end a record.
  10. Dear Lions, Please move to San Antonio, we can't take it anymore. Dondo(and all of metro Detroit).
  11. Didn't he once say they thought it was a funny name because it meant "Will Comply" when dealing with record company folk?
  12. I think I've (misguidedly) expressed my dislike for the Doors here on numerous occasions. But this looks very interesting. I'm begrudgingly learning to enjoy the band, if not the lyrics.
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