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Everything posted by dondoboy

  1. I'd throw my hat in for "WELD" also. I do think its overproduced and so do Neil's ears. But its a great Rock and Roll record.
  2. Really, is that the same song?! And they played it all over the place. Absolute turd.
  3. Oh Lord, whatever song the NFL is using, "You Had A Bad Day", I don't know who sings it. I almost threw my beer at the TV. But the beer didn't do anything wrong.
  4. Speaking of Aerosmith, that "Don't Want To Miss A Thing" song would fit nicely on this list. Absolute dreck.
  5. 10 music resolutions you can make for 2009 by David Isaacson, Indie Rock Examiner My #1 New Year's resolution this year is to follow my New Year's resolutions. I think that's where things have gone south in the past, so I'm hoping to fix that this time around. If you haven't finished your list yet, or forgot to add a music related resolution, I thought I'd lend you a hand. Let me know how it goes! 1) Go to at least one concert a month. I don't know what I would do without live music--in my opinion, it's one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. A lot of people pass up
  6. Oh God, that song was awful! And now its in my head!
  7. Alright, you should get it for liking "We Didn't Start The Fire", but "My Sharona" was kinda cool.
  8. Agreed. Novelty songs are just kind of silly and annoying. "You're Beautiful" makes me angry its so bad.
  9. If he isn't lying he was the coolest ten year old ever! He was born in 1974, the album came out in 1984.
  10. Again boo, sorry, I was just having some fun. That said, I'll stop bashing Jay when he moves on and stops harping about how important he was, what he did on what song and how he was as important to the band as Jeff. His contributions to the band during that period are respected and duly noted. And for the record the latest incarnation of Wilco is blistering live, not as sloppy and John has always been the second most important member of the band. Proof: he's still in the band.
  11. Don't worry, someone'll go for Jim and the boys.
  12. "We Didn't Start the Fire" Somebody should have burned his piano for that one
  13. I always liked that song. Or both of them, really. But I never noticed the similarities.
  14. Detroit to the Great Smoky Mountains, to Nashville, to Memphis, to Chicago, to Detroit. 2 weeks. Amazing camping in the Smokies plus the city fun of Nashville, Memphis and Chicago. And then back to the toilet of Detroit.
  15. Wayne Coyne makes growing older feel just fine. That's one cool MF!
  16. Jesus, that was a good movie.
  17. I don't know about number one, but I've kind of had it with the Beach Boys. I know its good, I listen to it, but that damn Love. Mike Love is awful. Rotten.
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